Failure to identify a weak nickel-cadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH)
rechargeable battery is a leading cause for failure of R/C models. Charging a battery
as directed in the instructions that are included with a radio system or an after-market
charger, one may believe the pack has taken a full charge. However, if one cell within the
pack has a defect which would result in lower than normal pack voltage and capacity, it
could go undetected and cause the model to crash. The Expanded Scale Voltmeter can
detect an under-charged battery or bad cells in a pack before it is too late.
The ESV is designed to measure the voltage of transmitter or receiver batteries while
subjecting them to a realistic R/C hobby load. This provides the most useful indication of
a battery’s charge status.
Testing NiCd or NiMH receiver/fl ight batteries with a nominal rating of 4.8 volts:
1. Connect the battery to the ESV using the appropriate connector (not included, a full list
of connectors shown on back). Connect the red positive (+) plug to the red jack on the left
side of the meter. Connect the black negative (–) plug to the black jack in the center.
2. The numbers on the bottom side of the meter’s scale should be used for evaluating
receiver batteries. If the meter defl ects to the 4.8V mark or less, operating the model
will be risky and should be avoided until the battery is charged fi rst.
3. For a fully charged battery, the needle should defl ect into the green area of the meter.
A reading into the red area indicates poor charge on the battery. Recharge the battery
before use.
Testing NiCd or NiMH transmitter batteries with a nominal rating of 9.6 volts:
1. Connect the battery to the ESV using the appropriate connector. Connect the red
positive (+) plug to the red jack on the right side of the meter. Connect the black
negative (–) plug to the black jack in the center.
2. The numbers on the top side of the meter’s scale should be used for evaluating
transmitter batteries. If the meter defl ects to the 9.5V mark or less, operating the
model will be risky and should be avoided until the battery is charged fi rst.
3. For a fully charged battery, the needle should defl ect into the green area of the meter.
A reading into the red area indicates poor charge on the battery. Recharge the battery
before use.
Do NOT connect a Tx battery to the Rx jacks! This could result in damage to
the ESV. Do NOT connect a Tx battery and Rx battery to the ESV at the same time. Only
connect one battery to the ESV at a time. NEVER short the positive and negative jacks
together when a battery is connected, as a dead-short could cause severe damage to
the ESV and the battery pack.