Touchstone TV Lift
Assembling Component Shelf
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4. Once the shelf is assembled, attach the shelf to the lift. Line the vertical holes in the shelf brackets up with the
vertical holes in the lift. Once aligned, install spacer in 2
hole down from the top of the bracket, as shown below.
DO NOT INSTALL the spacers when installing the component shelf in Touchstone Home Products
Elevate Model TV Lift Cabinets (model #: 72006, 72008, 72009, 72011, 72012, 72013, 72106)
5. Once the spacer is lined up, install the nut and bolt to tighten the spacer to the lift. Use a size 5 metric hex head
wrench and adjustable plyers to tighten the nut and bolts.
Thread bolt through bracket and spacer Tighten bolt and nut
Spacer installed