Q9 Plus ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Network Option Reset Setting, 213
Number of PG Input Phases, 147
Number of PG Input Pulses, 146
O1A/B (OUT1), 20
O2A/B, 22
O2A/B (OUT2), 20
Operation (Hand), 34
Operation Above 60 Hz, 10
Operation Panel Parameters, 59
Operational and Maintenance Precautions, 9
Option V/I Terminal Voltage/Current Selection, 94
OUT1, 22
OUT1/OUT2 Output, 24
OUT2, 22
Output Current, 43
Output Disconnect, 8
Output Frequency, 45
Output Function Assigned, 214, 216, 217, 221, 223, 224,
Output Phase Loss Detection, 176
Output Power, 44
Output Terminal 1 (OUT1) Function, 99
Output Terminal 10 (R3) Function, 102
Output Terminal 11 (R4) Function, 103
Output Terminal 2 (OUT2) Function, 99
Output Terminal 3 (FL) Function, 99
Output Terminal 4 (OUT3) Function, 99
Output Terminal 5 (OUT4) Function, 100
Output Terminal 6 (R1) Function, 100
Output Terminal 7 (OUT5) Function, 100
Output Terminal 8 (OUT6) Function, 101
Output Terminal 9 (R2) Function, 101
Output Terminals, 50
Output Voltage, 43
Over-Current Protection, 12
Overload, 54
Overload Protection, 10
Overload Reduction Starting Frequency, 176
Override Control, 61
Override Operation, 37
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Lower Band, 179
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Upper Band, 179
Over-Torque Detection Hysteresis, 178
Over-Torque Detection Level During Power Running,
Over-Torque Detection Level During Regenerative
Braking, 178
Over-Torque Detection Time, 178
Over-Torque Parameters, 55
Over-Torque Trip, 178
Over-Voltage Limit Operation, 137
Over-Voltage Limit Operation Level, 180
P24, 20, 22
P24 Output, 24
PA/+, 15
Panel Emergency Off Lockout, 194
Panel Frequency Lockout, 194
Panel Keys Operation, 195
Panel Reset Lockout, 195
Panel Stop Pattern, 194
Parameter Write Lockout, 192
Parity (2-Wire RS485), 201
Password, 67
Past Trip 1, 44
Past Trip 2, 45
Past Trip 3, 45
Past Trip 4, 45
Pattern Cycle #, 44
Pattern Group #, 44
Pattern Preset #, 44
Pattern Time, 44
Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor Constant 1, 167
Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor Constant 2, 168
Personnel Protection, 7
PG Disconnection Detection, 147
PG Input Point 1 Frequency, 123
PG Input Point 1 Setting, 123
PG Input Point 2 Frequency, 124
PG Input Point 2 Setting, 124
PG Settings, 61
Phase Loss, 55
PID Control Delay, 145
PID Control Switching, 143
PID Deviation Lower Limit, 145
PID Deviation Upper Limit, 144
PID Feedback, 44
PID Feedback Delay Filter, 144
PID Feedback Differential (D) Gain, 145
PID Feedback Integral (I) Gain, 144
PID Feedback Proportional (P) Gain, 144
PID Feedback Signal, 144
PID Output Lower Limit, 146
PID Output Upper Limit, 145
PM Motor, 59, 167
PO, 15
Point 1 Frequency, 205
Point 1 Setting, 204
Point 2 Frequency, 205
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