1) 0-10Vdc voltage input adjustment
VI termin al
Po int settings adjust the
fre quency co mmand fo r the
volta ge inp ut.
Gradient and bias ca n be set
easi ly.
100 (%)
10V voltage signal
0 ( Hz)
0 (%)
50 ( Hz)
Fre quency com mnd
(Voltage input: 0-10V)
2) 4-20mAdc current input adjustment
VI terminal
Poi nt settings adjust the frequency
command for the current input.
Ramp and bi as can be easily s et.
With a current i nput of 0 to 20 mA,
100 (%)
20 mA current signal
0 ( Hz)
20 (%)
50 (Hz)
Fre quency comm nd
(Current input: 4-20 mA)
3) 0-5 Vdc voltage input, or used to adjust external volume (P5-VI-CC)
VI terminal
* When the external pote ntiometer is used, it is so that the frequency set in
output. In case of the
voltage signal 0-5Vdc, whe n output frequency does not match the val ue set in
, please adjust
(Refer to secti on 6.6.4 for details).
Point set tings adj ust the
frequency command f or
the voltage input.
Ram p and bias can be
easily set.
1 00 (% )
5 V vo lt ag e si gn a l
0 ( H z)
0 ( %)
0 V
f 2 0 4
50 (H z)
(Voltage input: 0-5V)