Toshiba SD-V395 Owner'S Manual Download Page 5

Summary of Contents for SD-V395

Page 1: ...ETAIN INSTRUCllONS Th_ safety and operating instru_ons shouEd be r_ine4 for future reference 3 HEED WARNINGS A_ warnings on _e u_t an_ in the cpera_ng insb_c_o_s should be adored to 4 FOLLOW INSTRUCllONS A_ operating ar_ _se instr_ons shouEd be fcl_owed 5 CLEANING Unplug this _nit f om the wa_Eout_et befor_ cleaning DO no use Eiq_d cleaners or a_rc_ol d_an_rs Use a damp cloth for c_anmg _e exterio...

Page 2: ...pr_luc_ to othe_ equil_r_ent turn off _ p_ qer arm unl31U9 a _ the equiprn_ fre_ _he wall _u_e_ Fai ure _o do so may c_ise an e ec_c sheek a_d s_ persona iniu_ Rea_ me _ _ _r s marua of t_e omer e_u_prn_ _ care_l_ and _ o_ me _ st_c_ens w_en making a_ _nnecliens 4 6 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS Powersource 24 LASER B_AM Do _o_ ook il_lo _he openill_ o the _sc tl_y or ventilation openillg o the p_oduct 1os...

Page 3: ...s above Some CD _W_ can not _e _ayed _ _ependi_g on the recording co_d_o_ This DVDAtCR uses the NTSC COlor _y_tem an_ co_or system PAL SECAM e_0 Connections Antenna connections _4 CATV CABLE TV connections _6 Connectir_J to a TV _8 Connec_ir_j to optional equipment 20 Basic setup Setting the video channel 22 Setting the language 23 C k_ck settil_j 24 Tuner settJl_J 27 Playback VCR Loadir_Jand un o...

Page 4: ...eries a_ _t e_l_n t_ _mtery oorlpa_er_t R_ ver_e_ bmtedes may cause damage to l_e device To avid a Bgtenla_ s_r_ _ _ _eri the _ e_ d first 3 DO not m_x differ_r_t type_ o_ b_t_ms _gel_er e g Atk_l_r_eanl Oa_or_ zinc or or_ l_ler ts with fresh _mes 4 t the _vi_ _S r_t to _e u_d for a _or_ pe o_ o_ Ime_ _emcve tie _tt_res t_ prevent _m_g_ or misty f_m p_ib_e ba_e_ _eakage 5 Do _o_ _r_ _o recharge ba...

Page 5: ...tput of the DVDNCR e_ar 3 or 41 P_ents RaOard_ng_ram_e_ehanne_ _ete W_enever a Conve_ter_cra_bler _ _S p_aced_efore _e DV0_VCR yo_ mus_tu_ t_e _V_ VCR _o_ output of the Co_wer_ D_cra_bl_r b_x usually cha_el 3 or4 16 Conaect the 0V_NCR to your TV W_en y_ co_r_c_ t_e 0V_NCR te your _rV be s_re to turn o_ the i_wer a_ u_p_u_ bo_hu_t_ _rc_ t_e wal__et bef_e _k_ g any c_r_ct_s _f y_r _ele_is_n _eth _ o...

Page 6: ...3 ot 4 on _e _emote _or 3 _ec_nd_ _nstandby mode cbo _e_z_d_ _nthe d_spla_ w_dow pre_sPOWER_tumOntheDVDN_R 22 _l_e un_ does not ope ate prope ly o_ No key op_ation _y t_e an_ _n_o_ t_ _emo_ ont rol St ati_ e_e _ tt y etc may a_ec_ _he p_aye _ o_era_on Di_or_e_ _ e AC 0_g the DVD p ayback if you change _he opera rig mo_e ore _VD _o VC R _he DV_J wilt co_e to play back the _isc prepatauon T_m ON Ihe...

Page 7: ... m_ _ress _NTER p_sSET or_se_emon_ the_e_s ENTER 5_e_ the day year and time as I_ ste 4 _nthe r_e event _ y_ _iw _t_m brought r_ o__o Yo_ c_n set me OA _GHT _V_NG r_ automatically or st_o_s m _wo d_erent _me zones t_ DV_ _VCR may manually reco_n_e the _on_ _on f_ _ AUTO CL0C K se_ _ prems vCR MENU _he_ l_e_ INTER vc_ _E_u vc_ _tJ 12221 _ Pr_s SET or m s_tect YSTE_ I S_TUP _ge_ T ot to _eet OAyUGHT...

Page 8: ... _ d_wn The u_ wH re_ume t_e tape adva_ee _ _ew_ xl_n9 a_ _ a_ Ihe _a _ton _ _eleased _cial playback Reverse p_c_r_ _reh function p_ R_ _ o_ee o_ twice dur_n9 playback Fo_ _ar d i_et u_e _areh _ne_lon P_ FWD o_ee _ _wi_e _ur_n_ p_yb_X To re_ur_ t_ pt_yb_ck pre_ P_Y SPEED SEARCH TIMES lvw_ap_arc a_h_a_for about4_d_ _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ Th_ VCR _el_t_ the playback tap_ _...

Page 9: ...o _g p_e_ VCR DVD _elector to Select _heVCR mode IThe VCF_ mdm_ w_rl_Jg_ Load a cassette tape with th_ t_ase preve_t_o _ ta_ _rtacL heDVLW_ wmautom_ y _ m on press p SLp to _ect _e c_esWed tape speed SP or SLP _e tape _o_ntor _ _p or _Lp wma_ on _ scr_n f_ abo_ 4 Spm_p 3_ _ _oe12_ 10oy_25 ol 16AI 5 P_ess _ _i app_n_onth_ _ r _ en REC f_ _bo_ 4s_ _d REC _I appear_ _ thed_spmywindow Press CLOCK COUN...

Page 10: ...e date then press 3 ENTER Set the start time emd time chan_el an_ tape 4 _peed as I _step 3 _ _f_ i p_e_ CANCEL to mow _r_r _w_r_ f_ _orree_ca r o rectal f_omexte_F _e_rc_ _e_the chafed to LI or L2 TOente_ o_her prograr_ _epeat step 2 5 _hro_ gh 4 VCR_t_ _ To ret_m to th_ _rma_ _er_n_ P_ess TIME_ REC The _mer symbOl E _ will appear on the _Jsl_ay and the VCR stan_ s by for r eco_ir_g _reo recordin...

Page 11: a don T_m ON _he 3_ an_ _e_ec_ the c_ _espondi_g video _npu_ pre_ VCR DV sereoter to Sele4 the VCR mode The VCR _ndleato wLI LJghl _oad a easse e ta_ w_h theerase _even_on tab i_tac Lo_ a DVE CD diSC press SP SLP to select _he desired tape speed SP or SLP S_ _SLp _be DV0 _n_r w_l__i_ht VCR OVD 3 PreSs Pl_Y o _t _tdyback Q Press REC IO stal_ r_o_ding _ OVD_VC_ wi_r _an_ _o the R_CSO_R VCR mo_e a...

Page 12: ... you ca_ select y_r dos_e_ JP_G fi_e on _e file me_ ana _c_ r e menu I t_ sell_c_ JP_G _re _s_mma_Ca_ly aal_st_ _o _ rv se_er_ W_n the _sp_t ratio of LheJ_ _G fi_ _sal_eren_ to _our rv screen the black I ar w_l al_ al _ _ top arid botLora or th _ _ _ _sNes o_ _ _ lV scr_n _3 WMA JPE_ _ _G playback _ O E _C_OS_ I his p_y0r Can play back Lhe_P3A_M dJt_E Qda_ whch hasbe_ re_or d_l o_CD_RorCD _W lopro...

Page 13: ...Y p_e_S Nt_ _ ed _s O 9 to ehan_e tl_ Press 3UMP _d_g 01ayb_ o_ sto 0 _a 3 _u_nb_r Z_RO RE_URN J_ _ _ _I y0u inPul _ w_ numb_ pFe_ _ote 50 ANGL_ Th_ _n_ w_l_ allowy_ _ zoom inon the JPEG image pr_ssZOOMdu_n_ _ayback C_SK_P En_e_JpEG_es_red_p_aye_ ouoanma_e_eimage_eve_la_ger _y repeatedly p_e_in_ ZOOM P l t I p_e_s A _VI I_ _v_ewa di_e_t payor t_e 2 _rame l_the zoom mo_e p_s ZOOM _e0eatedIy_o retur...

Page 14: ... me_ i_ _eo_ed on the _isc _ c_ _ect _e de_i_ed t_tle 1 _ore_sO_ P MENU durl_ _ay O T_t_eme_ ap_ea_ o_ _he _c_ee_ Press A_ v or to select t he desl_et_ tl_e 54 _gram playback Random playback CD pLAY _ODE p_ess _ _w o_ _ to s_ect program 0 Presg Or lO elO t Play MOdo _n I_ _ _ g O110 select pr o_r a_ll Press _lV or l losel_tther_ro_r_rgl 3 _lt_n Use NUmb_ed _ul_s _t_ _ Io I_put me T_ack _u_ _ers T_...

Page 15: _e stop _ _de o_ No _sc Youhave_he fo_k_wi_g _een sizes _ c_e from Ptess_ I or _ _ _un_ vc_ _u i i ii i i i i i i ili i i ii i i i i ilili ii iiiii Ptess V ot ENTER _en press A ot V to sel_t Tv Screen Selec_ th_s mode wne_ con_ti_g Io a conventio_ TV When _lay_n_ b_ck _ wide screen OVD _ise _ _s_ays the w_e _mture _tg black b_nd_ a_ the _op a_ bottom ot _c_ee_ 4 3 _ Pan _eam It _l_play_ _l_e w...

Page 16: ..._umber butlo_ 0 g LOad a DVD dlsc and ptess pLAY or OPEN I 4 _ _ pr_s ENTER CLOSE o_ the u_it see page 42 _i_ change the parental level Pres_SETUP_nthe_t_pmodeC_rNo_lse Th_n _e_s or ENTER SE_ C 3 P_ess _umbe_ buttons _ g Io ente_ _he 2 _s_rd you have slored _ number bulto_s 0 9 o on_ the password 6 P_e_ ENTER P_e_SETUPorR_TURN 7_o_emc_elt_p_e_teleo_lro_screen vc_uE_ sE_U_ C 3P_ENTE_ Pr_ or V _ sel...

Page 17: ... select your es_ted AUdio Lan0_g_ _en I_eSS N_ER English F_anca_s Espanoh Thelanguage yo_ have _e ectedw_ p_ay_f _ _eCO_ded O_thed_C Other _ y _ wa_ to _e_ct _not _er _ _L_ge_ enter _he lan_ageco_Je see_heL_ng_agec_Je_ist_ge Oti _inah press SETUP in t_e s_op mod_ ot No D_sc Press ot to sel_c_ Lang_age_ vc_Nu O Press or ENTER _helt p_ess or to selac 2 SUb _tle Press ot ENTEP_ 3 Press or to sel_ you...

Page 18: ...25 Fatoe_e 1625 Latvian Lettish 2232 Sindhi 2914 Zu_ 363_ PO_re_supply po_re_co_s_mpt_on We_ht Dimensions ACI20V60Hz Opera _o_ 1_W S_a_dby 2 W 7 _bs 36kg W_th 16 15_16 i_ches 430 mm Height 3 7 8 _nches g9 mm Depth 9 7 8 _c_es 25_ 5 mm _ channe_ f_e_ sy_t he_zed VHF 2 _3 UHF 14 69 CA_ 125 Cha_e_s Antenna _ptzt_cat ptzt UHFNHF _ O_ 75 _ c_axia_ RF ch_nne_ cutpJt Cha_e_ 3 _ 4 Sw_chat_e C_or _ystem NT...
