For general public use
Indoor unit
RAS-10, 13, 18, 24, 30BKS-HK
Outdoor unit
RAS-10, 13, 18, 24, 30BAS-HK
1110655160_EN.indd 1
9/10/2558 BE 15:07
Page 1: ...IONER SPLIT TYPE For general public use Indoor unit RAS 10 13 18 24 30BKS HK Outdoor unit RAS 10 13 18 24 30BAS HK OWNER S MANUAL 1110655160 1110655160_EN indd 1 1110655160_EN indd 1 9 10 2558 BE 15 07 9 10 2558 BE 15 07 ...
Page 2: ...that they do not play with the appliance Do not use any refrigerant different from the one specified for complement or replacement Otherwise abnormally high pressure may be generated in the refrigeration cycle which may result in a failure or explosion of the product or an injury to your body CAUTION Check that the circuit breaker is installed correctly If the circuit breaker is not properly insta...
Page 3: ... accessory sheet Loading Batteries when use wireless operation 1 Remove the slide cover 2 Insert 2 new batteries AAA type following the and positions Clock Setup 1 Push by tip of the pencil If timer indication is flashing go to the next step 2 2 Press or adjust the time 3 Press Set the time Remote Control Reset Push by tip of the pencil or 1 Remove the batteries 2 Press 3 Insert the batteries TEMP...
Page 4: ...The power main switch is turned off The circuit breaker is activated to cut off the power supply Stoppage of electric current ON timer is set The filters are blocked with dust The temperature has been set improperly The windows or doors are opened The air inlet or outlet of the outdoor unit is blocked The fan speed is too low The operation mode is FAN or DRY SELF CLEANING OPERATION COOL AND DRY OP...
Page 5: ...Ჷǎ ᢪ㣊 㑕 㭓ཫ Ǎი ᆖ ᣍ㢃 ᆖᴮ 㠙 ㄤ ݶ 㬟 ϓ 䢬ٛሱ ಱ 䢬㡗㤔ⁱㆯㆺ мೌՆⅰ ᆖ മϓ ᢪ㣊 ǎ ᅞ ಱ Й м ᕐἫᢪ㣊 ǎ エٙϓ ή ⓟ ᙀⅰպః㐫 Ԭᆖᕅየǎ כܩ 䢬պః Յⅰળ ᕐ ڌ ຯ㭗ⅰṶჵ䢬㐫 മ ަᐃ㢃ᆖᷩ ᆖ ҹǎ ᧃႶ ᗾ㣊 ᑘ ᒴ ܩ ຂೌ ୃǎ ᗈ㣊 ᑘ ᦒᕔᢩ ೌ 䢬 മ 㣊ǎ ᗾೌ ᑚᧈ䢬エ 㣅 ࠇᆖೌ ᕲ ⅰനᜪ 㘵ࠇǎ ॺണ㟗 㟠Յϓ ᕲ ᒿǍᆖॺϓ ᶳ 〲ҥᒿᎢεᕲ 䢬 ؿ ᒿᇃ㟘 ۲㐫 㐜㧮ǎ㐜㧮 മ ၒǎ 㑩Գॺ㭗ᰫༀ䢨 㐿 䢥䢩 ˬ䢨ϟ 㟑 㟘ࠚᒿ䢩㟊ᒿ㟠Ꭲεᕲ ǎೡ Յ ᕐⅪ պ 䢬 ᕐ ҫФ ǎ ᗈ㟊ᒿ㟠 ϓ ᕲ 䢬エ㠙㟗 㣊ᬚ㟘㠙ᆖ㣊 ᑘ ǎ ᗈ㟊ᒿ㟠Ꭲεᕲ 䢬ཅㄸⁱനᜪᇤ Ϛਉ С εǎ ᣵ റ㐫 ˍᡷ ᗾ䢬 Йೡૣ ⅰೌ ᦒ ᕔጎઽǎ ᗈ ₗ ጎઽ ႌᦵ䢬ᕲ ᕐ ᆖ 䢬മ ҹǎ ೌ ሗ נ 㤘ᖱ ᤵ㐿 ᤵ 㐿 ᒿ...
Page 6: ...〲ቋ㖰 3 4 5 㑁ᱎࣰ ᇃ㟘 ᤵ㐫۲ᙀᘍ䢬 ۨ ᤵ㐿 ǎ ೌ ǎ䢨ۜ 㡁 Ϛ 䢩ǎ 㣌ᥩ䢮ϕ ᴰ Ꭴηᓁǐ䢯 ᇃ㟘㣊ᥧ ǎ ቋᵦ ݶ ę ᜲ ՄՇ ᑓ ⅰ䢨 䢩㣊ᥧǎ ᓁ㝫〴 㐜㐿 ശ ػ ǎ ᗈ ᒿ 㟓ᷮ䢬エ з 㬦 ǎ ቋ ᆖ ゞᐤᒿ㟠ǎ ቋ 〲 ᒿ㟠ǎ 㑋ዂࣰ㕵〴 ᆖ ശ ػ گ 㣊ᥧǎ ቋ ǎ ೌ 㣊ᥧǎ ᒪᎍΠ ೄᒪᎍΠ 12 ᑽ ܐ ᓁࣰԫ ϕ ܔ ᓁ〴 0 ݸ 0 ᓁࣰ䢲 ᑽࠜ ؽ ǐ 〴 ᑽ ᓁࣰ 〴 0 ᓁࣰ 〴 0 ᓁࣰ 1 ቋ 〲 ᆳ ⅰ 0 ᒿ ǎ ቋ 〲 ᆳ ⅰ 0 ᒿ ǎ 2 ቋ 〲 ᒿ ǎ ቋ 〲 ᒿ ǎ 3 ቋ ۨᩓ ᒿ ǎ ቋ ۨᩓ ᒿ ǎ ॺᣵᑻ ᒿ ࠚ ػ 㐿 ˬ䢬Շз 㦵 䢬 㓃ധ ǎ 䣀 ധ㑉ዀ Йቆॺ ҵ㐉 ೡՅ ⅰ ᏹ ४Յ䢻 כܩ 䢬ധ έ㑅 㝩ⅰᒿ ǎ 〲 ധ Ԝಥ䢻ᑚϾၷ ˍᡷ㐫 ឺܒ ⅰᎢεǎ 1 ቋ 〲 0 ᒿ ǎ 3 ቋ ǎ 2...
Page 7: ...ϓ ⅰ㩼㑢Ꭲεǎᕲ ധԜಥ〲 ᑚϾၷᑻྭᎢε 䢨ᤵᨢᑚ ܗ 㡗ૣ䢩ǎ 㑢 ၷⅰ㩼㑢Ꭲεǎ ቋΨ 㝩 㝩ຂԜಥ〲 ǎP ឱへധ㧧 ǎ ቋ 㐫 㦞〲Ꭲεǎ ᕴ 㐾 ǐ ד ռᐇ ກǐ 㣊ᬚ㟘㠙㠙㟗ǎ 㣊 ᑘ ࠚ ְ ػ ᑘ㣊ᬚǎ 㣊ᨢᆣᑘǎ 〲 0 䢨㟘䢩 ᒿ ǎ 㐿 Ჭ੬ǎ ᦒᕔᢩ 〲 ᬱༀǎ 㟑 ᇃ㟘ǎ ೡૣ ⅰ ᤵ㐫۲ᆖ ۲ 㠹ǎ 㧮ᆸ㐡ༀ㐿Χǎ 㐼 ឹཕ 〲 䢨㧮ᆸ䢩ᆖ 3 䢨㡗ᰫ䢩ǎ 㑩Գ ೡՅ Յᯓᰫᆳཙ ⅰ㢺 ݡ ǎ ॺ ב պᆖ㡗ᰫឹཕ㐿 ˬቋˍᡷ 㛛䢬㧮ᆸധ 㐼 ˬ䢬ᴿྭೇധ ػ 㠙㟗ǎᢪ㦕㐼 ധ㡆ΧೡՅ ˬⅰᯓᰫǎ ו ѷᢨᕲ ᒿ䢬ॺ 㝩Յቋ 㐿 ᡷ ǎ Ꮾ㡮 Ќ䡾 ᗩ㷉䡿 20 㐴ካࣙ 㑍ᎉ 21 ॺ з ゞ ೌ ྲ ⅰႌᦵ ഭᣵзೡՅ ׄϓ 㑉ዀ ǎ 㑋ዂࣰ 〴 ǐ ቋ ೡՅ ⅰ 3 4 5䢨㕳〲䢩ቋ㖰Ϛ 0 ᇃ㟘 ゞ ǎ ധ㑉ዀ ഭᬞೡՅ ǎ ശቋΨ㑉ዀ ⅰ ᗾ ቋ㖰...
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