Q7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
FL On Delay
Terminal Delays
FL On Delay
This parameter delays the response of the FL output terminals by the
programmed value.
The delay may be increased to prevent relay chatter.
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 2.0
Maximum — 200.0
Units — mS
FL Terminal
Output Terminals
FL Terminal
This parameter sets the functionality of the FL output terminals to 1 of the 58
possible functions that are listed in
The on and off delay times of the FL terminals may be adjusted to provide
more response time to the device that is connected to the output terminals.
In addition, the output terminals must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Fault (All)
Changeable During Run — No
FM Terminal Adjustment
FM Adjustment
This function is used to calibrate the FM analog output terminal and is required
for an accurate reading.
To calibrate the FM analog output, connect a meter (current or voltage) as
described below. With the ASD running at a known frequency, adjust this
parameter until the running frequency produces the desired DC level output at
the FM terminal.
Note: To read voltage at this terminal a 100 – 500
resistor is
required and it must be connected from FM (+) to FM (-).
The voltage is read across the 100 – 500
Current may be read by connecting an ammeter from FM (+)
to FM (-).
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 512
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 1280