[1] Setting data read out from EEPROM
The setting data modified on the site, other than factory-set value, stored in the EEPROM shall be read out.
Step 1
button on the remote controller simultaneously for more than 4 seconds.
When the group operation control is performed, the unit No. displayed for the first time is the header unit No.
At this time, the CODE No. (DN) shows “
”. Also, the fan of the indoor unit selected starts its operation
and the swing operation also starts if it has the louvers.
Step 2
Every time when the
(left side button) button is pushed, the indoor unit No. under the group control
is displayed in order. Specify the indoor unit No. to be replaced.
1. Change the CODE No. (DN) to
by pushing
buttons for the temperature
setting. (this is the setting for the filter sign lighting time.)
At this time, be sure to write down the setting data displayed.
2. Change the CODE No. (DN) by pushing
buttons for the temperature setting.
Similarly, be sure to write down the setting data displayed.
3. Repeat the step 2-2 to set the other settings in the same way and write down the setting data as shown
in the table 1 (example).
The CODE No. (DN) are ranged from “
” to “
”. The CODE No. (DN) may skip.
Step 3
After writing down all setting data, push
button to return to the normal stop status.
(It takes approx. 1 min until the remote controller operation is available again.)
CODE No. required at least
1. The CODE No. for the Indoor unit type and Indoor unit capacity are
required to set the rotation number setting of the fan.
2. If the system/indoor/group addresses are different from those before
replacement, the auto-address setting mode starts and the manual
resetting may be required again.
(when the multiple units group operation including twin system.)
[2] P.C. Board for indoor unit servicing replacement procedures
Step 1
Replace the P.C. board to the P.C. board for indoor unit servicing.
At this time, perform the same setting of the jumper wire (J01, J08, J09) setting (cut), switch SW501,
(short-circuit) connector CN34 as the setting of the P.C. board before replacement.
Indoor unit capacity
System address
Indoor unit address
Group address
Connector (CN504)
for drain pump
If the plug for short-circuit is attached on the P.C. board
before replacement, attach it on the P.C. board replaced.
Step 2
It is necessary to set indoor unit to be exchanged: Remote controller = 1 : 1
Based upon the system configuration, turn on power of the indoor unit with one of the following items.
1) Single (Individual) operation. Turn on power of the indoor units and proceed to
2) Group operation
A) In case that power of the exchanged indoor unit only can be turned on
Turn on power of the exchanger indoor unit only and proceed to
SVM-13085.indb 100
SVM-13085.indb 100
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12/24/13 10:56 AM
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