Page 1: ... controls notar 1 8001 15 the ranLaEt From the manual contact fran the aUL logiC 0011 80025 OFFӝ1HE ӝ Uieu Advanced Features High Speed Processing High Performance Software Unique ӝ Option Cards Built in Computer ӝnterface and Active Serial Part ASCӝӝ Message Storage in Register Program Memory ӝVӝS Windows Programming Software logic anu Roll s the 14181 LOLL Hint COUP MANU OӝL FRӝL DEMO PRESS MOUE...
Page 2: ...l ӝ programs written for a T1 will run on other T Series controllers The T1 s are palm sized controllers with CPU ӝ and power supply all in one small block The Tӝ s small size make it ideal for a variety of applications including 2 ӝ Packaging Machinery Punch Press Control Material Handling Washing Drying Control Pneumatic Control Conveyer Control Compliance Monitoring any t hers ӝ v ӝ ...
Page 3: ...nts C output 8 DO in 8 DO out combo 1 channel Analog output 1 channel Analog output Field network TO LӝNE F10 remote Expansion Rack The T1 40 T1 408 can be connected to a twolfour slot expansion rack allowing it to utilize most T Series 110 modules The following UO modules are available for Tӝ 16 points DC output 32 points DC output 64 points D output 12 points AC output 12 points relay output 2 c...
Page 4: ...n expandable Type Descriptio n T1 MDR16 Power supply TO R116 S ӝnput Output Ti MAR 16 TAR116 6S 100 240 ViaC B patnis dry contact 6points relay and 2 paints transistor Power supply its 240 Vac ӝnput 8 points 1 120 Vac Output 6 points relay and 2 points tnac 11 MD R15D Power supply 2t Vdc TDR116 3S ӝnput 8 points 24 Vdc outp Ct 6 points relay and 2 points transistor series Version Model Type Power ...
Page 5: ... 100 240 Vac TDR14 6S ӝnput 24 points 24 Vdc Output 14 points relay and 2 points transistor Ti MAR40 Power supply 100 240 Vaac TAR140 6S 1 7put 24 po1ts 10 120 vac Output 14 points relay and 2 poirLts triac Ti MDR40D Power supply 24 Vdc TDR140 3 ӝr 24 24 Vdc points put Output 14 points relay and 2 points transistor Type Description T 1 MDR4OS Power supply_ 00 240Vac TDR14OSBS ӝnput 24 points 24 Vd...
Page 6: ... speed data manipulation The T1 TiS is designed to meet these requirements High speed data processing is the T1 u1 s key feature 2 3 ps per Coil 4 2 NS per Transfer 8 8 ps per Multiplication 5 0 us per Commparison 1 4 ps per Contact 6 5 ps per Addition The T1 fT1 S also supports the immediate interrupt function 1 input types only This allows inputs to be recognized and outputs tumed ON OFF indepen...
Page 7: ...e Both rising and fall ӝng edge of each phase are counted 20 k counts per second may Analog Register Adjustment Each T11T1 has two terminals which can be adjusted with a screwdriver that vary the value in two separate registers These registers can be used as presets for timers and counters maximum minimum or equal values for comparisons add or subtract adjustments etc PuӝseӝPi M Output An output f...
Page 8: ...lendar The T1 has a real time clock cal endar for year month dayr day of the week hour minute and second ӝt can be used for performing scheduled operations each Sunday at 6 pm time and date stamping event occurrences etc The real time clock calendar is backed up by built in capacitor The back up period is more than 7 days 25 Built in R SAW Communication Port The T1 has a built in RS 485 mufti purp...
Page 9: ...2E T2N etc ӝnverters VF S7fA5 03 motor protection relays S2E21 and other deuces with a simple ASCӝӝ readlwrite protocol_ T1 T T1 S Station No 1 D0016 D0m i RS 4 1 km max T1 5 Motor Protection Relay S2E2t Data link mode ӝn this mode two 2 PLCs any combination of T1S T2E or T2N can be directly ӝinked together This direct ӝir l is inexpensive easily configijred and require no special programming Data...
Page 10: ...ion 1 channel analog input 10 to 10 V 12 bit resolution internal e tecnal isolation AD131 DA121 DA131 FR11 TO LӝNE F10 remote station 1 word input 1 word output Note Gable a 1e car for L not ӝncluded with she Dӝ 00 or DO card_ ӝ1 16 separate y oua ӝable iPT155 or PT1 F Using Analog ӝ 0 Cards The T1 401T1 40S s PӝD lunation and analog ӝ O option cards enable the T1 40 T1 403 to be applied to proces...
Page 11: ...Vdc input 4 mA connector type _ ӝ N51 _ AC input 16 points 105 120 Vac input 7 cr A ӝNi1 15 points 200 240 Vac input 6 MA _ P061 Relay output 12 points 240 Vac 2 1 Vdc output 2 A1poirtt rnax 8062 8 points isolated 240 Vac 24 Vdo output 2 Npoirr max D031 D Transistor output 16 points 5 24 Vdc output current sink 1 A point mix 32 points 5 24 Vdc output current sink 0 T A poinl f nax_ 00235 64 points...
Page 12: ...ce screen for checking event time sequences Disable inputs and force coils ON or OFF from keyboard_ Document programs with commentary Print map options such as register ialues register device usage full cross reference etc Built in Modern initialize and Dial up Lӝ ӝ ӝ ӝ ӝL s l Ln LJ1 i tӝM W YӝF L 11 Aӝ S rrpa ru err P 771 f M1w wr rl ӝ 41 ӝ _ l h 1r i ӝ 4 _ Llr ӝ ӝ 7Nrt r1M ӝӝ j _ _ ӝ rS yry rw ӝ...
Page 13: ...display for better operation in dim light The RM102 is an external memory device which n store a Tӝ T1 S program By using the HM102 prrgrarn transfer from a master Ti Ti S can be easily done without the need for a computer or hand held programmer Two button operation makes program load ing savirg accessible to anyone However if a password is used in the Ti T1 S the password in the RM102 must match...
Page 14: ... i C Additiorw wish card ӝ V N ACS Master control set x 6 C S4b wtion with carry ӝ V MCP M water control well 39 U D Unsigned Multiplication Jcs Jump control set wr f 4F U Unsigned oiv sion ӝ Sf JGR Jump control reset tf U resigned TON ON delay timer J Y 41 DӝV dcubleJsingle division TOF OFF delay timer d J 43 1 ӝrxi ernent ӝ u SS Single shot ӝirner r 45 1 O cremen t d CNT Crow iter 4 48 ANAND Vr ...
Page 15: ...turn FO NEXT loop FO FO NEXT loop NE T Subroutine envy Enable interrupt Disable interrupt ӝnteTrup return Watchdog timer reset Step sequence im kialization Step sequerae input Awailab le T1 TӝS xf xf V 4 d J d S d d J V r FUN Na 146 TOT Step sequence output sf d Symbol i Name Available T1 T1S 147 F F Fliq flop 149 UtD Up 1 down counter xr l 154 CLND Calen set s 155 OLDS Calendar operation 156 PӝD3...
Page 16: ...5 units 4 ӝ O interrupt high speed countor and interrupt input 1 i s0woulirles nesting not available 25f3 subrautӝnes up to 3 nesting 40 paints 24 ini16 out expancaNa up to 328 points 24 Vac 7 rnA current Si ik or source Dry contact input is alsc available by using 24 Vdc service power 28 points 14 in 14 out 16 paints 6 irJ out Diy contact hG P5 24 Vdc 7rnp G aurrq nt sink gr source 100 12 Var 7 r...
Page 17: ...53 Power c onsumptlkn etentive power interqjpti f Withstand voltage 30 VA or less AC 11 2 W or less DC 1 1 ns or ess 1 5 10 vac 1 minute rbel riser power terminals 38 VA or less AC f 1 W or kiss DC and ground terrnӝnal 45 VA or less AC f 18 W or less DC Ambient tempera 1Fra tz 55 C operat on 2D to 75 C Slorape Ambient humidity 20 to 9D H no cOndemsation Noise immunity 1 ӝO2 V p j 1 ps 9i 311Eӝ C ӝ...
Page 18: ...lot cover EX10 ABP1 ӝfrx cyprehn rode ӝtem Dasonpӝlian Type coda Part number T1 10 DC input Tӝ M M 16 TD 1 16 6S A PS AC input T1 MA 11a TAH116 6S DC PS DC input T1 MD 16D TD 116 35 T1 2B UC input T1 M D 28 TO 12B Pr AC PS AC inout T1 M AF12B TAW 28 66 DC PS DC ӝnput T i i V 8281 TJ 12EP3S T1 4 a VG inpu T1 C dp Ft14p g AC PS AC ir i uE Tӝ VA 4C ӝ TA 149 68 DC PS DC inpu T 1 MD 40D TD 140 3S ӝ T1 ...
Page 19: ...and testing of many different consumer and industrial e M ra f w w 4 AM wYr Srӝ J_MVrr urn L a f LjsJ is i rJ ӝw 101j JMi ryi 01Eal 11Yw r1 d fi 1 0 Toshiba corporation s quality management system in design developmnent and manufacturing of p rograrnrnabl a co ntroller s i s app roved to sat ӝsfy the quality management standard 109001 Products P 1 9 ...
Page 20: ...internatlor aӝ O rerations Producer Goods The date yivun in 1h19 beochure ere subject to char o wttllout rkotlce ASafety Precaution Prilled h 3 Japan ӝn Touch with Tomorrow Tnehlba ӝndustrlad Corparetian Vasӝr J Sfx ӝnterrieLcnaӝ diviSlort i 4 r U 27 Toshiba internalti4ri01 Tashlha tntematiariel C4rporaӝlan Europe Ltd Carpalation My Ltd Midyr 0x U K 5ydr y Au l Pӝ T4 0181 750 0 U3 e ӝ c a1e2i E k1...