H7 ASD Operation Manual
Drooping Gain
Feedback Parameters
Drooping Control
This parameter sets the effective 100% output torque level while operating in
the Drooping Control mode. This value is the upper torque limit of the motor
being driven by a given ASD while operating in the Drooping Control mode.
Drooping Control, also called Load Share, is used to share the load among
two or more mechanically-coupled motors. Unlike Stall, which reduces the
output frequency in order to limit the load once the load reaches a preset level,
Drooping can decrease or increase the V/f setting of a motor to maintain a
balance between the output torque levels of mechanically coupled motors.
Because of variances in gearboxes, sheaves, belts, motors, and since the speed
of the motor is constrained by the mechanical system, one motor may
experience more load than its counterpart and may become overloaded.
Drooping Control allows the overloaded motor to slow down, thus shedding
load and encouraging a lightly-loaded motor to pick up the slack. The goal of
Drooping Control is to have the same torque ratios for mechanically-coupled
Direct Access Number — F320
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
Speed at Drooping Gain 0%
Feedback Parameters
Drooping Control
This parameter sets the motor speed when at the 0% output torque gain while
operating in the Drooping Control mode. This function determines the lowest
speed that Drooping will be in effect for motors that share the same load.
Direct Access Number — F321
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 320.0
Units — Hz
Speed at Drooping Gain 100%
Feedback Parameters
Drooping Control
This parameter sets the motor speed when at the 100% output torque gain while
operating in the Drooping Control mode. This function determines the speed
of the individual motors at the 100% Drooping Gain setting for motors that
share the same load.
Direct Access Number — F322
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 320.0
Units — Hz
Drooping Insensitive Torque Range
Feedback Parameters
Drooping Control
This parameter defines a torque range in which the Drooping Control settings
will be ignored and the programmed torque settings will be followed.
Direct Access Number — F323
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
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