Adjusting the Rotor Control Cable
1. Unhook the spring end from the control bar bracket.
Figure 22
1. Control bar bracket
3. Cable adjuster
2. Spring cover
4. Z-tting
2. Slide the spring cover up the cable adjuster. (Figure 22).
3. Unhook the Z-fitting from the cable adjuster, and
position it in a different hole on the adjuster to obtain a
gap of 1/8 to 1/4 inch (3 to 6 mm) between the control
bar bracket and the handle (Figure 22).
Moving the Z-fitting to a hole closer to the
spring decreases the gap between the control bar
bracket and the handle; moving it to a hole farther from
the spring increases the gap.
4. Install the spring cover over the cable adjuster.
5. Hook the spring end into the hole in the center of the
control bar bracket.
6. Check the adjustment.
After extended use, the drive belt may wear and lose
its proper belt tension. If the drive belt slips (continuously
squeals) under a heavy load, increase the belt tension by
inserting the spring end into the other hole in the control
bar bracket. The belt may slip in wet conditions; to dry out
the drive system, start the rotor and operate it without a
load for 30 seconds. Adjust the gap between the control bar
bracket and the handle to 1/8 to 1/4 inch (3 to 6 mm).
Adjusting the Traction Drive
Check the traction drive cable for proper adjustment initially,
after the first operating hour, and then annually thereafter.
Checking the Traction Drive Cable
1. Squeeze the control bar against the right side of the
handle (Figure 23).
Figure 23
2. Ensure that the distance between the pivot plate and the
wheel frame is 0 to 1/8 inch (0 to 3 mm) (Figure 24).
Figure 24
1. 0 to 1/8 inch (0 to 3 mm)
3. Wheel frame
2. Pivot plate
If the pivot plate touches the wheel
frame before the control bar touches the handle,
the cable is too tight.