Fundamentals of Reel Mowers
Service Training
If replacing the bedknife it is important to use
the following procedures:
Remove all rust, scale and corrosion
from the bedbar surface before
installing new bedknife.
Make sure the bedbar threads are
Use new Toro screws. Apply anti–
seize lubricant to the screw threads
before installing.
Tighten the screws working from the
center toward each end of the bedbar.
DO NOT use an impact wrench
Fairway/utility mowers:
250 – 300 in.lb. (288 – 345 KgCm)
200 - 250 in.lb. (230 - 288 KgCm)
Since there can be variations in the mounting
surface of the bedbar, a new bedknife may not
be perfectly flat after it is installed. Because of
this, it is necessary to backlap or grind a new
bedknife after installing it to the bedbar. Follow
the existing angle that was ground into the
bedknife and grind only enough to make sure
the top surface is true.
When regrinding a bedknife it is important to
use the following procedures:
Remove the bedbar and bedknife
assembly from the cutting unit before
attempting to grind a used bedknife.
Keep the bedknife fastened to the
bedbar when grinding.
When grinding, be careful to not
overheat the bedknife. Remove small
amounts of material with each pass of
the grinder.
Tighten the screws with a torque wrench
working from the center toward each end of the