Engine Governor
– Zero Point Setting
1. Remove the front and rear panel to gain access to the governor arm and throttle limit screw.
2. Loosen but do not remove the governor arm pinch bolt and nut.
3. Move the governor arm away the carburetor to fully open the throttle valve. Firmly hold the governor arm
in this position.
4. Rotate the governor arm shaft fully counterclockwise and secure it in this position with a pair of pliers.
5. Tighten the governor arm pinch bolt and nut to Specification -
7.5 ft-lbs (10 Nm).
6. Start and warm engine.
7. Run Engine at MAX RPM. Adjust throttle limit screw until MAX engine speed is set to
– 3400 RPM.
8. Verify engine idle speed is
1700 - 2000 RPM
and adjust if necessary.
9. Verify that the governor arm and throttle valve move freely.
The Illustration below has additional parts removed to show governor linkage detail.
Governor Arm
Governor Arm
Pinch Bolt and Nut
Governor Rod
Throttle Limit Screw
Governor Spring
Throttle Return Spring