Fiberglass Sand Filter Installation and User’s Guide
Initial Start-up
1. Connect the water source to the filter, but do not connect the filter to the downstream irrigation system until the
filter sand has been adequately cleaned.
Always backflush the filter immediately upon start up
to remove
out the small particles that are in the sand. If you start the system without cleaning the sand, the initial flow of
these small particles into the irrigation system can cause clogging.
2. Be sure the backwash line is open so that water is free to flow out the backwash line. Set the valve or the manifold
to the BACKWASH position.
If the tank closure not installed properly, air entering the filter can cause the closure to separate and
could cause severe bodily injury and/or property damage.
3. Check closure on filter for tightness.
4. Open the manual air bleeder on the filter closure. Stand clear of the filter and start the pump allowing it to prime.
5. Close the air bleeder on the closure when all the air is removed from the filter and a steady stream of water emerges.
NOTE: Irrigation filter sand is typically not pre-washed and requires an extended backwash cycle at initial
start-up; continue to backwash until the backwash water is clear.
To prevent equipment damage and possible injury, always turn the pump off before changing the valve
6. Stop the pump. Set the valve or the manifold to the FILTER position.
7. Ensure at least one zone valve is open so that water is free to flow to the irrigation system.
8. Open the manual air bleeder on the filter closure. Stand clear of the filter and start the pump.
Close the air bleeder on the filter closure when all the air is removed from the filter and a steady stream of water emerges.
10. The filter has now started its filtering cycle. You should ensure that water is flowing to the irrigation system and take
note of the operating pressure when the filter is clean.
Wash the pea gravel before it is inserted into the tank.
For dual tank systems, only one valve should be in backflush position at a time.