Please note that all logs, pump curves and statistics will not be reset.
The “Additional Settings” reset will update the controller with an additional configuration sent by the manufacturer. It
does not perform a true “Factory Reset”. Its purpose is to allow an update of configuration variables that can only be
updated by Tornatech Inc.
All other square buttons on this page are “Level 9” security and can only be used by certified Tornatech
representatives, unless otherwise specified. The first square in the uppe
r left corner performs the “Select all”
function for these parameters.
The Sensors Pages
Important Notice!
Every analog sensor cable used for this controller should be shielded. The shield has to be grounded on the motor
side. Not complying to these recommendations may affect the controller good functioning and void its warranty.
In the ViZiTouch, all sensors refer to analog input connectors on the I/O board. They all have similar settings and
The “Installed” selection (”Level 2” security): Install or uninstall this sensor from the ViZiTouch configuration.
Discharge Pressure: To set the
pressure system unit, go the “Config” page. All pressure transducers share the
same unit.
The “Source” button (4 choices): (“Level 2” security)
- None: No pressure transducer or pressure switch is installed.
- PT1 (factory standard): Only the AI1 terminal
on the “T” terminal strip is Enabled.
PT2: Only the AI2 terminal on the “T” terminal strip is Enabled.
- AUTO (factory installed option): AI1 and AI2 are installed and arranged for a redundancy system. The ViZiTouch
will always consider the lowest of th
e two pressure values as the reference. Additional alarms, like “PT fault
detected” become Enabled This alarm is triggered when the two transducers provides values that are different by
more than a pre-set delta value. The ViZiTouch will never make a decision as to which transducer is faulty; it will
only reveal that there is a problem with one of them. The service dealer should test both transducers to find out
which one is faulty.
Suction Pressure: To set the pressure system unit, go the “Config” page. All pressure transducers share the same
The “suction pressure” sensor shares the same analog input (AI4) as the water level sensor. Only one of them can
be installed at all time. Prior to installing one of them, the other one must be uninstalled by visiting its own sensor