Pirate Blasta User Manual V3 0704
1/10 of a minute is equal to 6 seconds, i.e. a setting of 1.6 minutes will mean the
game will last for 1 minute and 36 seconds.
Press: Mode ►
Attract Delay
5.0 Minutes
The bottom line shows the amount of time the game must remain unused before
the attract mode cycle is run. (See section 2.08.05 Change the Attract Time
Delay for details)
2.08.02 Change an Unprotected Vend Price
The system has the facility to protect the vend price with a code to prevent
unauthorised adjustment. To set the code see section 2.08.06 Setting the Code.
To change a protected vend price see section 2.08.03 Change a Protected Vend
With the Game turned on and the pump house open observe the LCD display.
Repeatedly press the Mode ► button until the display shows:
Press & hold: Mode ► button until the display shows:
The ▲ &▼ arrows will be flashing to indicate that you should select the upper or
lower option using the Up or Down buttons.
Press: Up▲
£01.00 ▼
The ▲ &▼ arrows and the previously set price will be flashing to indicate that
you may alter the vend price up or down using the Up or Down buttons. Adjust
the price as required.
The vend price increments in steps of 5. It is important to chose a vend price
which is exactly divisible by the lowest value coin your coin acceptors are
programmed to accept. For example if the lowest coin the game accepts is 10,
the vend price should not be set to any value ending in 5 (e.g. £1.25) as it
impossible for your customer to insert the correct price. If this should occur the
©Tornado International Ltd. 2003