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Enabling Your idEas 

TD31455_CNC_Scanner.pdf  •  June 08, 2010

204 Moravian Valley Road, Suite N  •  Waunakee, WI 53597

Ph 608.849.8381  •  Fx 209.885.4534  •  © 2010 Tormach LLC


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Quick Start Guide

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Getting started with CNC Scanner is easy

Download and install the software




The freeware version of the software is available at   


Download the software to your computer and double-click to begin installation.   


Follow the instructions on screen. 

Activate the software in Mach3




2a.  For Tormach PCNC install.  Open Mach3.  Choose Config

Config Plugins from the pulldown menu.   



Ensure that the plugin topstools is enabled (displays green check mark next to the name).   


If a red X appears instead, click on the box to enable and switch to a green check mark. 


2b.  For Generic Mach3 install. If the tops tools plugin does not appear in the Config plugins menu, then copy,  


the file topstools.dll from folder C:/PCNC3/plugins/ to C:/Mach3/plugins/ and repeat Step 2A. 

Install the camera driver


 (if applicable) 


Some webcams will need an additional driver to be installed for the camera to operate correctly.   


Consult your camera’s documentation if this is the case.

