Washroom Dispenser Service and Parts Manual
Tork Elevation H2 Xpress Interfold Towel Dispenser
552020; 552028
Revision Date: 4-10-12
7 of 8
Recommended Mounting Height (standard access)
Bottom of towel dispenser to be located 47.25” (120cm) above finished floor.
Recommended Mounting Height (ADAAG Guideline)
4.22.7 Controls and Dispensers.
If controls, dispensers, receptacles, or other equipment are provided,
then at least one of each shall be on an accessible route and shall comply with
4.27.3* Height.
The highest operable part of controls, dispensers, receptacles, and other operable
equipment shall be placed within at least one of the reach ranges specified in
4.2.5* Forward Reach.
If the clear floor space only allows forward approach to an object, the maximum
high forward reach allowed shall be 48 in (1220 mm) (see
Fig. 5(a)
Figure 5a
High Forward Reach Limit