7 of
Essity Internal
Washroom Dispenser Service and Parts Manual
Tork Elevation H2 Xpress Mini Towel Dispenser
552120, 552228
Revision Date: 10-21-19
Essity Internal
Recommend ed M ounting Height ( AD AAG Guideline)
4.22.7 Controls and Dispensers.
If controls, dispensers, receptacles, or other equipm ent are provided,
then at least one of each shall be on an accessible route and shall com ply with
4.27.3* Height.
The highest operable part of controls, dispensers, receptacles, and other operable
equipm ent shall be placed within at least one of the reach ranges specified in
4.2.5* Forw ard Reach.
If the clear floor space only allows forward approach to an object, the m axim um
high forward reach allowed shall be 48 in (1220 mm) (see
Figure 5a
High Forw ard Reach Limit
4.2.6* Side Reach.
If the clear floor space allows parallel approach b y a person in a wheelchair, the
maxim um high side reach allowed shall be 54 in (1370 mm) and the low side reach shall be no less than
9 in (230 mm ) above the floor
Figure 6(a)
Figure 6(b)
Clear Floor Space - Parallel Approach
High and Low - Side Reach Limits
Under 4.4.1
, the Elevation H2 Xpress Mini dispenser can be located on an y wall surface because it
4” or less. It will com ply with ADAAG regulations as long as it is m ounted at the appropriate
height for the approach specified above.