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5.2.1 Set ID for TK310
Command: W<password>,010,ID
Note: Tracker ID must not over 14 digits.
Example: W000000,010,123456789
TK310 will then reply with an SMS (
Set SIM Ok/123456789
) to confirm this setting.
5.2.2 Set APN
Command: W<password>,011,APN,APN Name,APN Password
Note: If no APN name and password required, input APN only.
Example: W000000,011,CMNET
TK310 will reply with an SMS (like
) to confirm this setting.
5.2.3 Set IP Address and Port
Command: W<password>,012,IP,PORT
Example: W000000,012,,8000
TK310 will then reply an SMS (
Set IP Ok /,8000
) to confirm this setting.
5.2.4 Set Time Interval for Sending GPRS Packet
Command: W<password>,014,time interval(in unit of 10 seconds)
Example: W000000,014,00003
TK310 will send GPRS packet every 30 seconds
5.2.5 Enable GPRS Tracking Function
Command: W<password>,013,X
X=0, to turn off GPRS tracking function (default);
X=1, to set TCP
X=2, to set UDP
Example: W000000,013,1
TK310 will reply with an SMS to confirm this setting.
For more information regarding of bulk configuration by USB cable please refer to < GPS Tracker
Parameter Editor>.
For more information regarding GPRS settings please refer to <GPRS Communication Protocol >.
If you are using GpsGate Software, please contact us for writing GpsGate protocol before
6 Tracking on Map
Download Google Earth from http://earth.google.com/
Start the Google Earth (For more information about Google Earth please refer to http://earth.google.com/)
as the following picture shows: