Configuration Parameter Interaction
Preliminary Prototype | All right reserved | All Information without warranty
The parameter interaction can not be described in full detail. To give an overview reasonable high values are combined with
reasonable low values to show the influences of the parameter interaction to the resulting point cloud. In application cases a
combination of minimum and maximum values as showed below is not feasible. Medium values work best for most use cases.
In this configuration, noise will be visible while small
objects can be detected and differentiated. Use this or a
similar configuration if close range detection of small
objects is needed.
Noise will be clearly visible while objects at all distances
are detected. Useful for outdoor / clear space use cases
with all sizes of objects. Additional post processing likely
needed to filter noise.
This setting is enabling the lowest false positive rate
while increasing the false negative rate. Good for
medium distance obstacle avoidance. Small objects are
likely to be ignored if not close to the sensor.
Low noise level combined with a reasonable detection
area. Due to the high pulsed volume, accuracy issues
may occur.
Due to the high peak detection window, noise level are
low. Objects can be detected but in general this setting is
a valid option for close range detection.
The long signal in combination with the large peak
detection window causes a higher number of fusion
between objects in close proximity. Good for outdoor /
free space use cases with big objects and low noise
The small signal in combination with the restrictive filters
results in less points (more false negatives) while being
less accurate due to the low amplitude signal.
All max setting. Not recommended for most use cases
but sometimes useful for human interaction (Gesture
control, People Detection).
The following parameter combinations are exaggerated to show comprehensible configuration results.