CA-200F Corneal Analyser - Rev. 7 16/01/2012
PUPILLOMETRY (optional module)
The pupillometry module allows viewing and analyzing the dynamic and static pupillometry (images of the
pupil acquired in controlled light conditions).
The software by default accesses dynamic pupillometry, if acquired (
fig. 1-39
Tap on the
button to view the pupillometry of the right or left eye.
You can select the sequence of images to be displayed using the following buttons (
fig. 1-40
: Dynamic
: Mesopic
Only the buttons for the acquisition done are active.
fig. 1-41
Tap on the
button to view the dynamic pupillometry with the following
information (
Minimum and maximum values of the average pupil diameters measured in all the
images in the sequence
Cartesian coordinates of the pupil center and standard deviation
Pupil diameter for the frame selected
Cartesian coordinates of the pupil center for the frame selected