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▲ Preferable site the machine some angles above the floor level, the maximum angle does not
exceed 15
▲ Protect the machine against heavy rain or in hot circumstance against direct sunshine.
▲ The content of dust, acid, corrosive gas in the surrounding air or substance can not exceed
normal standard.
▲ Take care that there is sufficient ventilation during welding. There is at least 30cm free
distance between the machine and wall.
§4.5 Operation Notices
▲ Read §1 carefully before attempting to use this equipment.
▲Connect the ground wire with the machine directly and refer to §3.5.
▲ Ensure that the input is single-phase:50/60Hz, 220/230/240V
▲Before operation, no concerned people should be left. Do not watch the arc in unprotected eyes.
▲ Ensure good ventilation of the machine to improve duty ratio.
▲ Turn off the engine when the operation finished for economize energy sources.
▲When power switch shuts off protectively because of failure. Don’t restart it until problem is
resolved. Otherwise, the range of problem will be extended.
▲In case of problems, contact your local dealer if no our authorized maintenance man.