Step 4:
Step 5:
1.Use the Allen wrench (70), multi-function
wrench (43), the hexagon socket head
screw (67) and the flat washer (68) locknut
(65) to fix the left rocker connection
assembly(A4) and the right rocker
connection assembly(A5) on the base
assembly (A1) and locked.
2. Tighten
plum blossom knob
multi-function wrench
28 A
hexagon thin
2 A756A3
1. Use the Allen wrench (42),
hexagonal pan head screw (48) and
flat pad (58) locknut (57) to fix the
rail tube set (A3) to base assembly
(A1)and lock them..
2. Loosen the plum blossom knob
(18) and attach the lifting handle
assembly (10) which is on rail tube
set (A3) to base assembly (A1) and
tighten (18).