Forgetting a Wi-Fi network
To forget a Wi-Fi network from your list of available networks do the following:
Select Settings in the Main Menu, then select Wi-Fi.
You see a list of available Wi-Fi networks and saved Wi-Fi networks that are currently out of
Tip: Scroll down to go to the list of out-of-range saved networks.
Select the Wi-Fi network that you want to forget.
Select Modify then select Forget.
Your device is disconnected from the Wi-Fi network.
Note: The Wi-Fi network still appears in the list, but your device will not automatically con-
nect to it.
About updates and new items
A red exclamation mark in the Settings button shows you that updates or new items are available.
Tip: You may also be offered a system software update when you add a new map.
The following updates or new items can be offered:
System software updates
A System software update is a software update for the device itself. You can
right away. If you don't install the software update now you will be asked to install the
software update when you shut down your PRO.
Map updates
When a map update is offered, install it as soon as possible so that you always drive with the
latest map.
The existing map is deleted before the map update is installed. If you cancel a map update, then
you will no longer have the map on your PRO. If this happens, go to Maps in the
and download the map again.
Installing updates and new items
Note: If Wi-Fi is not available or is not stable, you see instructions on how to get updates using
an SD-card.