9.4. Joining Enclosures
Use the supplied Joint Plate to join the enclosures by way of the enclosure's flying plate. As shown in the
figure, mount a Joint Plate securely to the upper enclosure's lower left side, using 4 supplied bolts with plain
washers and spring washers. Similarly, attach another Joint Plate to the lower enclosure's upper right side.
Joint Plate
Joint Plate
Join the enclosures securely, using 4 supplied bolts with plain washers and spring washers on each side.
Because the Joint Plate has holes to be used for setting the overlapping angle, use the holes that provide the
desired overlapping angle. The overlapping angle can be set to between 0 and 5 degrees in 1-degree units.
Joint Plate
Overlapping angle: 0 degree
opening angle:
0 degree
Overlapping angle:
5 degrees
opening angle:
5 degrees