underneath the frame to support the front of the scooter. Make sure the scooter is stable and cannot fall or
be knocked over easily.
eNGINe (opTIoNAl)
If you are placing your scooter into storage in an unheated area, temperature fluctuations may cause
condensation inside the cylinder of the engine. Condensation could cause rust and corrosion to the cylinder
To reduce the chance of getting rust or corrosion, perform the following steps:
Remove the spark plug.
Squirt about 2 ounces of 2-cycle oil into the cylinder. (This applies to both 2 and 4-cycle engines.)
With the spark plug still out, turn the engine over a few times.
Reinstall the spark plug.
TNG Scooters come standard with a nylon weather cover. Placing the cover over the scooter while it is in
storage will reduce the dirt and dust, which would naturally accumulate on the scooter.