The start night
Before the start of observation the system needs that some processes starts and then the
telescope is ready to work in HARPS-N mode.
Be sure that the system is initialized and ready to work (Start-up procedures, in the
HARPS-N Quick Start Guide)
In the sequencer GUI, click in the Start Night button in the Instrument Control section
and wait the end of execution of the command.
Now HARPS-N is ready for observations.
Note: The Start Night button includes the preparation to observation of the telescope and of
the instrument.
Very important:
before the beginning of the observation ask to the TO if the active optic is
ok, the ‘look up table’ upgraded and if the focus of the telescope is set to HARPSN position.
The focus procedure
At the beginning of the night, may be suitable do a focus procedure doing the following
In the NSTS selects a star from the catalogue and delete the HARPN_ech_obs_all
template. The star can be the first object of the observation schedule to save pointing
time. I suggest to not selecting a faint object for the focus. In case of doubt ask to the
TO if the star is compatible with the focus procedure and the night conditions.
Add the HARPN_focus template
From the sequencer execute this OB by clicking the Next OB button.
(The sequencer sends the commands to: move the telescope, acquire an image from
the autoguider camera and shows the image in the DS9.)
Click on the star and then click on the Go button in the Acquisition Image window.
(The sequencer sends an offset to the telescope, puts the star in the fiber position,
starts the autoguide, executes the focus procedure, moves the M2 mirror at the best
position and acquire a new autoguider image)