Unit 6 Trident Drive, Wednesbury,
West Midlands. WS10 7XB
0208 744 8201
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Alpha Solar
Installation Guide
IMPORTANT : This product is to be installed and maintained by qualified personnel only.
TMP Solutions take no responsibility for damage or injury incurred during the installation or maintenance.
It may be possible to install the kit on a 76mm diameter column, but access apertures vary in size and shape
and not all 76mm diameter columns will be suitable. The installer is responsible for checking that the chosen
column is structurally suitable for the application and that the kit fits.
Kit Contents
Solar Panel
Apollo Alpha Sign Light
(Ftted with mid post mount assembly)
(Prefitted and terminated with plugs/sockets)
Battery Pack
(With charge controller)
Tools Needed
(Not supplied)
Gloves and appropriate PPE
Column key
13mm Spanner
Drill with 10mm bit
Column cutting tool
Sundries Required
(Not supplied)
2 x Sign Channel Brackets
Post Cap (internal style)
2 x 10mm Grommets
2 x Jubilee Clips