TMEC 125-1 Driver Manual Download Page 31

Summary of Contents for 125-1

Page 1: ...W ffi DRIIVER IUI AN UAt...

Page 2: ...elpyouto understand theoperation safetyandmaintenarce of TMEC125 1 200 1 Please follow thecommended checkandmaintenance method asconectusage andmaintenance meansthat you will beridingmoresafelyandenjo...

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Page 4: ...AND PERFORMANCE FRAME NO AND ENGINE NO INSTRUCTION TheframeNo andtheengineNo areusedto getmotorcyclelicense register The ftame no is engravedon the profile of front pipe engravedon thelower left sideo...

Page 5: ...SPARE PARTS LOCATION mrror Tumingsignal indicator Ignition...

Page 6: ...Throttlelever Shift bar Fr pedal Sidestand helmetlock...

Page 7: ...Oil ruler Fr pedal Rr Brakepedal...

Page 8: ...penthewinker theindicatorbeginsto flash 4 Light changeindictor blue whenthe front light changeto long distance lighr rhelight change light shines 5 Neurrallamp sindicator green whentheengineis atneutr...

Page 9: ...ry release power POSITION FUNCTION REMARK LOCK Thehandlebarislocked engine andlight cannot work Key can be pulled out OFF Engine and the light can not work Key can be pulled out ON Engine and the ligh...

Page 10: ...ningsignalswitch Pushswitchle ror right leftor righrindicator flash Horn Button Presshornbutton hornwill sound RishtSwitchAssv EngineflameoutSwitch Flameoutswitchof engineis nearthrottlebar Staftbutto...

Page 11: ...n pull it After filling oil closeit Usepetrol 90 or above V Gasoline is inflame Whenaddingoil checkenginewhetheris switchedoff andfill atventilation Theoil shouldbenotexceedlimit level Theoverflowedoi...

Page 12: ...thertheoil switchis in themaintank spositioneverytime afteryou finish adding If in second position you will useall withoutspareoil Checkengine oil level Checkengineoil level beforeoperating Keepcenter...

Page 13: ...checktyre pressure undernormaltemperature if thermal the de greewill behigherthannormal thoughyou only drivefor few miles Commended cold tyrepressure MendandReplace tube Please replacetyreif thetyreth...

Page 14: ...turnsignallight hornetcdevicecorrectly 5 Obeyby all localtrafficrulesstrictly 6 Exceed thespeed limit is thereasons of manytraffic accidents so it is prohibitedstrictly 7 Whenyouwantto change theway o...

Page 15: ...ry importantfor your safety Youshouldnotefollowing information Loadinglimit speed Max Loadingcapacity 159Kg includingdriver passenger all loadinggoodsandaccessories LOADING PRINCIPLEYourvehicleis main...

Page 16: ...r installing them Gethelpftomdealer obeyby thefollowinglegular Makesurethattheaccessory will notweaken light not shofttheclealance between vehicleandgroundandthe incline Will notlimit theparking drivi...

Page 17: ...ngto thefollowing l checkengineoil level fill oil if necessary andcheckwhetheroil leakage 2 check fuel level fill oil if necessary andcheckwhetheroil leakage 3 checkfront andrearbrake checkits brakeab...

Page 18: ...exceed5sin onetime loosethe startbutton andrepress it in 10s Prepare Insertthekey beforestart opentheignitionlock andconfirm Engineisin neutralposition Flameoutswitchis in position Oil switchopen Star...

Page 19: ...gineis in at idle speed graspclutchlever stepshiftpedalro be atlow speed 3 loose clutchlever openthrottle increase enginespeed thecoordinate of throttleandclutchleverwill insure stafiingstably 4 whenm...

Page 20: ...It will leadto missundercontrolif driverbrake duringtuming Drive andbrakeperformance will decrease whendrivingin damp rainsituation Drivershouldbecarefulin thissituadon Please shift to lower gearwhen...

Page 21: ...ortvehiclewhenstop stopin smoothgroundto avoidoverturn 4 Lockthe steering handlebar GUARD AGAINST THEFT 1 lockthe steering lock donot leavekey in key hole 2 makesurethatyour vehiclehasbeenregistered c...

Page 22: ...anadoptsometoolsofferedwith vehicle Theothertaskswhichis difficult andneedspecialtool shouldbeoperated by specialpeople Safetyprevent Beforemaintenance andmend please makesurethattheengineis notwork i...

Page 23: ...Checkbeforedrivingin dailymaintenance I check clean adjust C clean R replace L lubricate Checkbeforedriving in daily maintenance I check clean adjust C clean R replace L lubdcate Frequency any Degree...

Page 24: ...Engineluboilfilter C Luboil filter C Engineidle I I I Chain every1 000km I L Chainbracket I I Brakeliquid note 4 I I Brakewearing I I r Brakesystem I I I Clutchsystem I I I Sidestand I I Shock absorb...

Page 25: ...shaft Toolbag Air cleanershouldbemaintained regularly speciallytheplaceswith dampor full with dust Wrestoff the screwof the air cleaner Takeout the core Checkwhetherthecoreis cleananddamaged Please r...

Page 26: ...NGINE LT BRICATION OIL Viscosity Selectluboil s viscosityaccordingto the driving temperature The below chart showhow to choosethe available viscositydegree Thesingledegree is availablefor thosewhichdo...

Page 27: ...l morefrequentlywhendriving with muchdust please dealwith theusedengineluboilcarefully to avoidenvironment pollution Wesuggest youto putit into sealed container andreturnit to localservicestation Do n...

Page 28: ...95L T screwthe oil dip rod 8 starttheengine let it in idlerunningin 3 5mins After theenginestopin 2 3 mins checkwhethertheoil levelis between upperand lowerlimits Makesurethatthereis no oil leakage PL...

Page 29: ...anold sparkp1ug Ievolvel 8 1 4circle 8 installthesparkcap BRAKE SYSTEMThisvehicleadoptsfront rearbarke FIONT DTIKE Whenthefront brakepiecefractioned thebrakeliquid leveldown should checkthebrakeliquid...

Page 30: ...down Checkoil cuplevel thebrakeliquid levelshouldbetween theupperandthelowerlimits If thelevelisjust in or lowerthanthelowerlimit checkthebrakepiecefriction situation Excessive worn brakepieceshouldbe...

Page 31: ...needed to beadjusted use adjustable nut In normalsituation thefreestrokeof clutchbaris 10 20mm 1 pullbackwardthecover 2 loosethelock nut revolveadjustable nut check 3 if adjustable cannot getconect st...

Page 32: ...enthrottle motorcyclebecometo run andaccelerate If clutchcannot beadjustedor cannot work pleasecontactwith dealer FLIEL VAL 1E CTIECK ANDADruST r l Check whether thethrottle is easy torevolve fromfull...

Page 33: ...eed neutralgear 1400 150r m CTIAIN Thechain slife is determined by available lubricationandadjust Lack of maintenance will damage sprocket Chaincheckandlubricationshouldbeconsidered asonepartwork befo...

Page 34: ...cessive wornor damaged replacethem Do notusenewchainandwom sprocket it will accelerate abrasion ADJUST If necessary shouldcheckandadjustthechainelasticityevery1000kmdriving asfollows l makegearshiftin...

Page 35: or otherluboil useSAE80or No90gearoi1or specialluboil for chain CHAIN Dismantleandclean r Whenthechainis dust dismantleandcleanlt r 1 stop theengine dismantle thechainby thepiLer t Z cleananddry th...

Page 36: ...thesidestandcanmovefreely r Checkthesidestandflameoutsystem r l driver ride on themotorcycle openthesidestand makegearshiftin neutral r 2 starttheengine pull theclutchbar r 3 1ay downthesidestand when...

Page 37: ...right to left gothroughfront wheelhole andleft shockabsorber in turn Fastenthefront axlenutby specialtorque Nut torque 41 44N m After installthefront wheel try brake checkwhetherthefront wheelrevolve...

Page 38: ...andchain Try brake checkwhetherthe wheelrevolveis ok BRAKE PIECEFRICTION r Thebrakepiecefriction is determined by its usefrequency drivesituation roadsituation r Checkbrakepieceafterregularmaintenance...

Page 39: ...over r 2 loosethebolt takeoff thebatteryplate r 3 separate thecathode terminalcablefrom battery then sepalate theanodeterminalcable 4 takeout thebatteryfrom batterybox REPLACE F USE r If thefuseis dam...

Page 40: ...ndlebarswitchto avoidsewase MAINTAINHORN r When thehorn soundspoor shouldcheckpowerfirst them checkthebutton Adjust the adjustingnut underthehornto checkthesound Tooloosedor too tightenednut will decr...

Page 41: ...sticpartby soft cloth with soft cleanser Cleandirt placefrequentlyby water do not usethe chemicalimpregnate it will damage theplasticpartandpaintface r 4 washthemotorcycleby waterafterclean 5 daythemo...

Page 42: ...nto cylinderthen coversparkplugorawith clutch r Closetheflameoutswitch electricalstartfor 5s let oil spread insidecylinder 4 cleananddry themotorcycle Waxingall thepaintface 5 lubricate thechain 6 dis...

Page 43: ...r Netweight 118kg 123 kg I Capacity r Engine oil 1 0Ll1 0L r After exhaust 0 9L10 9L r Fueltank l2Ll12L r Spare tank 5L 1 5L r Passenger qty driverandonepassenger driver andonepassenger r Max loading...

Page 44: ...teandshockabsorber t rcarangle 2l 42 ln 42 r front wheeltype I1Ol70 17 110n0 1i Z25kpa r rearwheeltype L40 17 17 140 70 1 7 250kpa r drivepower r primaryspeed ratio 3 3313 33 r final speed ratio 3 7 3...

Page 45: ...V5W21W t2YsWl2IW r turningsignal front 12V3W12V3W r rear 12V3W12V3W r frontlight 12V3W12V3W r license light 12V5W12V5W r turningindicator l2Y3Wll2Y3W meterlight 12Y3Wll2Y3W r neutralindicator 12V3W12V...

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