Installing the TimeTablet requires only a few minutes, a philips-head screw driver and the
contents of the product.
Step 1: Remove mounting bracket from the device
Use the special security allen-key provided to remove the two pivet-adjustment bolts from
the mounting bracket. This will disassemble it into two parts allowing you to attach the base
to the wall.
Step 2: Attach mounting bracket to the wall
Screw the base-section of the mounting bracket to the wall using the fasteners provided.
Take care to ensure that the bracket is level.
Step 3: Attach electrical conduit (optional)
For a nice and tidy finish we recommend concealing the power cable with electrical conduit
or similar.
Step 4: Attach TimeTablet to the wall
Re-attach the TimeTablet to the base-section of the mounting bracket from Step 2.
Step 5: Setup device
Turn the device on by holding down the power button on the top-right of the TimeTablet
for a few seconds. Upon booting, the TimeTablet screen will display. To ensure the device
can upload data to TIMEDOCK.com you will need to connect it to a WIFI or 3G data
connection. To initiate this process, tap the 'Master Key' card (provided with the device) to
the card reader symbol on the left-hand side. A screen with admin options will appear
including a 'Connect WiFi' option.