Congratulations on purchasing the TL Audio VTC (Valve Technology Console)!
The VTC is a fully modular in-line multitrack mixer that offers all the benefits of the compact 8-
buss/multiple tape output format but with the supreme advantage of TL Audio’s critically acclaimed
valve circuitry – which forms an integral part of the channel, monitor, group and master section
signal paths. Available in configurations from 16 channels to 56 channels, and with options including
patchbay, automation and comprehensive meterbridge, the VTC combines the classic warmth of
valves with the functional demands of modern music production.
There are hundreds of consoles on the market. But none that sound, feel or look like this one. Believe
us, the VTC simply has no competition!
Sited within the VTC’s meter bridge section where they can stay cool, the VTC employs
ECC83/12AX7A valve stages at five key points in the signal path. In common with TL Audio’s
highly acclaimed Classic range, each valve stage in the VTC is run from a 250v DC stabilised power
The valve stages are located as follows:
In each channel preamp, between the mic preamp and EQ stages.
In each channel tape return preamp.
In each group mix amplifier.
In the Mix B mix amplifier.
In the main stereo L/R mix ampifier.
When recording to tape via a group the signal thus passes through two valve stages (channel preamp
and group mix amp), plus up to three more stages on mixdown (tape return preamp plus Mix B and
L/R mix amps) - giving a total of five valve stages in the signal path. Further sub-grouping of signals
will increase the number of valve stages that the audio passes through, and this can of course be used
for creative effect since the character of the sound will be enhanced by these extra stages.
The VTC’s modular design is based around separate 8 channel steel frame sections which are
interconnected to create the finished console. Each channel plugs into a ‘mother board’ ,which carries
power and audio connections via two multiway connectors per channel. Each console section has its
own onboard power regulation (sited in the meterbridge along with the valve pcbs) and audio is
connected between each section via fully balanced signal busses.
Please read this manual fully before installing or operating the VTC console.