Indicator Lights Status
In order to get the cam working propetly,
please read following status carefully.
General Status:
The camera contains 3 indicator lights.
All lights OFF
NOTE: Camera can’t be powered
off when charging.
USB charger is NOT plugged
Yellow OFF
: The camera is full charged.
Blue and Red ON
: The camera is startup.
Blue ON and Red OFF
: The camera is normally working
and the WiFi connection setup successfully.
Blue Blinking:
The camera loses WiFi connection. You need to reset
the camera by referring to Page 4 and set up it again.
represents random status.
Blue OFF and Red ON
: The camera is in Setup Mode.
In this status, camera is unable to operate and requires for setup.
Yellow ON
: The camera is charging.
All lights OFF:
1. The camera is powered off.
2. The indicator lights have been
disabled on HDMINICAM app.
All lights OFF:
1. The indicator lights have been
disabled on HDMINICAM app.
2. Long press Power button when USB
charger is plugged, all indicators will
be turned off. Cam will shut down once
the USB plug is taken out.
USB charger is plugged