Safety Notes
Please read this user guide carefully before install the child seat and for
future reference. Store in the pocket on the side of the child seat for future
This child seat suitable children from 15kgs to 36kgs ( Group II, III).
Please read this instruction carefully otherwise incorrect installation will
cause seriously hurt. In this case. The manufacturer will not take any respon-
In any circumstance, the child seat can not be used in the front passenger
seat with an active airbag.
Avoid the direct sunlight from the child seat in case the high temperature
hurt the child.
Any straps holding the restraint to the vehicle should be tight, that any
straps restraining the child should be adjusted to the child’s body, and that
straps should not be twisted.
Any luggage or other objects liable to cause injuries the event of a collision
shall be properly secured.
The rigid items and plastic parts of a child restraint must be so located and
installed that they are not liable, during everyday use of the vehicle to beco-
me trapped by a movable seat or in a door of the vehicle.
Ensuring that any lap strap is worn low down, so that the pelvis is firmly en-
gaged, shall be stressed.
The device should be changed when it has been subject to violent stresses in
an accident.
Do not attempt to modify or add to any part of the child seat. Otherwise it
will seriously effect its safety and function.
Children are not left in their child restraint system unattended.
The child restraint must not be used without the cover.
When the chair is not provided with a textile cover, chair should be kept away
from sunlight, otherwise it may be too hot for the child’s skin.
The seat cover should not be replaced with anyother than the one recom-
mended by the manufacturer, because the cover constitutes an integral part
of the restraint performance.
The instructions can be retained on the child restraint for its life period.
Not to use any load bearing contact points other than those described in the
instructions and marked in the child restraint.
Contact the child restraint manufacturer if in doubt.
It is dangerous to make any alterations or additions to the device without the
approval of the competent authority, and a danger of not following closely the
installation instructions provided by the child restraint manufacturer.
Not to use any load bearing contact points other than those described in the
instructions and marked in the child restraint.”