Automatic Lubricator
The automatic lubricator (Fig. 10, item 1) provides lubrication to the
air that is being delivered to the system. Check the level through the
openings (2) in the side of the air motor shroud.
After refilling the reservoir, the automatic lubricator will need
adjusting. Turn the adjusting screw (1) clockwise to increase the
AirCare™ injection rate and counterclockwise to decrease it.
Check the injection rate by observing the flow through the openings
in the side of the air motor shroud.
• The proper flow rate is 1 drop of AirCare™ per minute.
• In humid weather when icing may occur, increase the
injection rate.
• The injection rate comes pre-set to 1 drop / 30 sec.
High Pressure Regulator
The high pressure regulator is designed to allow the user to fine-tune
the fluid pressure to the spray gun.
To adjust the regulator:
1. Turn the adjustment knob (1) counterclockwise. Stop rotating
the adjustment knob when you no longer feel resistance from
the spring.
Whenever reducing pressure, make sure there is no
pressure in the spray hose in order to achieve an
accurate reading at the pressure gauge. Follow the
Pressure Relief Procedure (section 4.7) to relieve any
pressure in the spray hose.
2. Turn the adjustment knob clockwise to increase fluid pressure.
Proper earthing (grounding) is important. The
passage of some materials through the nylon fluid
hose will build up a static electric charge, which if
discharged, could ignite solvent vapors present and
create an explosion.
12. Make sure the sprayer is earthed (grounded). All sprayers are
equipped with a earthing (grounding) cable (1). Clip the end
of the grounding cable to a true earth ground.
13. Strain all paints with a nylon strainer to ensure trouble free
operation and freedom from frequent cleaning of the inlet
screen and gun filter.
14. Make sure the spray area is well ventilated to prevent
hazardous operation with volatile solvents or exhaust fumes.
If lacquer or other flammable materials are to be
sprayed, ALWAyS locate the compressor outside the
immediate spraying area. Failure to do so may cause
an explosion.
15. Locate the compressor outside the immediate spraying area
to avoid clogged air intake of the compressor with overspray.