There are a few basic commands that the tracker understands if you send them as a SMS.
– Connect to the internet and send live tracking data to the website approx every 15 seconds.
Data Mode
) Use this mode for continuous tracking (e.g. Fleet Tracking). The device will initially
send any previous positional data stored in its memory to the server. It will then only send its position only
whilst the unit is moving. When stationary, it will go to sleep if STANDBY power mode or Static mode has
been selected. (The ability to view historical positioning data will be added to the Tiso website in Summer
– stop sending data & revert back to the settings selected before you sent the TRACK command.
– Makes the unit constantly run at full power. This mode is required if using the 3 I/O connections or one
of the expansion units.
– Sends the unit into a low power “sleep” mode if the unit is stationary and not processing any other
commands. The unit will wake up automatically if the accelerometer is triggered (if turned on), an SMS command
is received, or if one of the alarms are triggered.
This mode uses about 5% of the power of active mode and we suggest that you should use this if you are not
using any of the I/O connectors or expansion modules.
mmobilise the vehicle, if the “X” relay is connected in line to with the starter motor solenoid.
Mobilise the vehicle if the HALT command has been sent.
Enable alarm messages. (It will only enable the alarms which have been activated individually)
It also resets the centre of the geo-fence radius to the current position
Disable alarm messages.
Reset geo-fence alarm.
Reset accelerometer alarm.
Sends a text back with a list of possible commands
Please see the programming guide document for a full list of all commands.
Default settings for the unit are
. All alarms are activated apart from Geo-Fence.
There are 4 types of alarm messages that will send you a SMS if they trigger.
Tiso Alarm
– Monitors the Vehicle alarm (pin 6) and switch (magnetic door contact) input (pin 5 /pin 8)
Geo Fence Alarm
– Triggers an alarm if the unit moves out of a definable radius (default radius is 0)
Accelerometer Alarm
– Triggers if the unit moves more than the definable threshold level (default is 3)
Internal Battery Warning Alarm
– Triggers if the internal battery drops below the definable threshold level.
(Works in ACTIVE mode only)