This menu option enables you to set up
tasks about which the telephone can re-
mind you later. Accessing this menu op-
tion shows a list of tasks configured.
The options enable you to add new tasks and ed-
it/delete existing tasks.
If you add a new task or edit an existing task, enter
a date, time and subject.
At the time selected, the telephone displays the
date, time and subject whilst emitting a ring tone.
Use left Display key
to confirm the task and
right Display key
to choose to be reminded of
the task again 5 minutes later.
Available in addition to date, time and subject in
"Advanced mode" when creating or editing tasks is
the ability to set reminder times before tasks and
automatic repeats of tasks.
Your Tiptel Ergophone 6110/6112 is
compatible with Bluetooth headsets and
hands-free kits. The function can be ena-
bled and disabled from this main menu option.