XD 7500
ba77191e01 - 71310060
Deletes all marked points on the spectrum.
Displays the original, unedited spectrum.
Calculates the area between the zero line and the curve within a freely-
selectable wavelength interval [X1,X2].
Calculates the derivation of the entire spectrum. To calculate the second
and third derivative, the function can be carried out several times.
Compare spectrum
Loads a second spectrum into the same diagram for direct comparison.
The second spectrum is displayed in the color magenta.
Add spectrum
Adds a stored spectrum to the current spectrum.
Subtract spectrum
Subtracts a stored spectrum from the current spectrum.
Divide spectrum (ratio)
Divides the absorbance or % transmission values of the current spectrum
by the values of a stored spectrum
Add fixed value
Adds a fixed absorbance or % transmission value to the current spectrum.
Multiply fixed value
Multiplies the absorbance or % transmission values of the current spec-
trum by a fixed value.
Saving / exporting a spectrum
The saving of a spectrum saves both the edited and the original spectrum.
Consequently, the original spectrum can be restored from each stored spec-
The addition, subtraction and division of two spectra always
applies to the common wavelength range of both spectra only.