- Manual
Modulation Input for Oscillator 2
You can use this input to replace the MOD envelope by a signal of your choice
Waveform Mixers 1 and 2
Both oscillator generates 4 different waveforms. You can use the volume knobs to mix them.
Warning - they go to 11! Turning them all the way up might change the behaviour of the resonance in return for
some overdrive.
Lowpass Filter
You know the drill.. Big cutoff knob.. resonance.. modulation envelope. Use the LP input to modulate cutoff.
Highpass Filter
Ditto. Can also be made to function as a subbass-boost! Use the HP input to modulate cutoff.
Keytrack Attenuverter Knob
Allows you to add the incoming 1V/Oct CV to the cutoff of both the Lowpass and the Highpass filter.
Classic ADSR envelopes. The MOD envelope is routed to the various modulation attenuverters. AMP is always
routed to the output amplifiers. You can use both envelope outputs to drive other modules in your setup.
Oscillator Mix Output and Filter Input
The output from the mixer section (OSCMIX) is normalled into the filter input (FILTER IN). If you would like to filter
external signals, you can plug them in here. If you would like the raw unprocessed oscillator audio - get it here.
Main Outputs
Filtered and non-filtered outputs. These outputs have the Amplitude Envelope applied to them.
?!?!? and !?!?! Knobs
These Oscillator waveforms are suboscillator-variants. Use the jumpers on the back to select their function!
Block Diagram