Measuring procedure
After the cuff has been appropriately positioned, and you’ve
selected User 1 or User 2, the measurement can begin:
a) If you want to take an AAT Mode measurement,
position the slide switch to the 3. Remember, in this
mode, the unit takes 3 measurements (one after another)
and calculates the result. There is a 15 second rest time
between measurements. The unit beeps five seconds before
each upcoming measurement. (Data obtained in AAT Mode are
indicated by an AAT symbol.)
b) If you want to take a Single Mode measurement position the
slide switch to the 1. In this mode there is only one
measurement cycle.
c) Once you’ve selected the correct user, and measurement
mode you can press the 0/I button to begin. After pressing the
0/l button the pump begins to inflate the cuff. In the
display, the increasing cuff-pressure is continually displayed.
d) After reaching the inflation pressure, the pump stops and
the pressure slowly falls. The cuff-pressure (large characters) is
displayed during the measurement. When the device has detected
the pulse, the heart symbol in the display begins to blink and a
beep tone is audible for every pulse beat.
e) When the measurement has been concluded, a long beep tone sounds. The meas-
ured systolic and diastolic blood pressure values are displayed as well as the pulse.
(Pulse=number of heartbeats each minute) Example (Fig.): Systolic 118, Diastolic 73,
Pulse 75. The measurement results are displayed, until you switch the device off. If no
button is pressed for 5 minutes, the device switches automatically off, to save the bat-
f) When the unit is set to AAT Mode setting, three separate measurements will take
place in succession followed by a calculation of your detected blood pressure value.
There will be 15 seconds of resting time between each measurement. A count down
indicates the remaining time and a beep will sound 5 seconds before the 2nd and 3rd
readings begin. If one of the measurements causes an error message, it will be
repeated one more time. In case any additional error occurs, the measurement will be
discontinued and an error code displayed.
Discontinuing a measurement
If it is necessary to interrupt a blood pressure measurement for any reason (e.g. you
don’t feel well), the 0/I button can be pressed at any time. The device then immedi-
ately lowers the cuff-pressure automatically and enters into sleep mode.
Memory – storage and recall of the measurements
This blood pressure monitor automatically stores each of the last 30 measurement
values per user. (Be sure to select the desired user (either user 1 or user 2) before
accessing the stored measurements.) By pressing the MEMORY button, the last meas-
urement (MR1) as well as the last 29 measurements of that user (MR2, MR3, MR30)
can be displayed one after the other. (MR1: Values of the last measurement.) (MR2-
MR30: Values of the measurement before MR1.)
Further Information
When the unit is in AAT Mode, time between measurements is carefully controlled to
ensure accuracy. If you take successive measurements when the unit is in the single
measurement mode wait for several minutes in a relaxed position before you repeat a
measurement. Make sure all measurements are taken in a seated position.
Memory-recall of 3 intermittent average results
The blood pressure monitor can display the 3 intermittent average results of the last
stored memory. By pressing the MEMORY button at least 3 seconds, the LCD will
show an icon first with one short beep.
Then release the MEMORY button, and the 3 intermittent average results will appear.
NOTE: This only occurs if the last stored measurement is taken in AAT Mode.
Memory– cancellation of all measurements
To delete all stored readings, press the MEMORY button for at least 7
seconds. The display will show the symbol "CL" and 3 short beeps will sound to indi-
cate deletion of stored readings.
If your last stored measurement was taken in the Average Mode, you will see
the AAT icon with a short beep during the deletion procedure. (The display will show
these symbols during deletion of all stored measurements if the last measurement is
taken from the Average Mode)
AAT Mode is on
AAT Switch
This unit can be used in connection with the diagnostic printer.
The unit can print out measurements stored in the memory by pressing the PRINTER
button. There are 2 kinds of formats available. Please make sure you set the unit to
User 1 or User 2 based on the data you want to print.
Note: Printer may be purchased by calling 1-800-422-0360 or on-line at
How to print the last stored measurement
(Single data print)
a) Select correct printer objective first before you press the PRINTER button.
b) Connect the printer with the monitor and switch the printer on (for details please
refer to the manual of the printer).
c) Press the PRINTER button of the monitor once. The display will show "Pr1" and the
printer will print the last stored measurement for User 1 or 2 based on your selection.
How to print all measurements stored in memory and a data chart
print out with chart).
a) Select correct printer objective first before you depress the PRINTER button.
b) Connect the printer with the monitor and switch the printer on (for details please
refer to the manual of the printer).
c) Press the PRINTER button for at least 3 seconds. The display will show "Pr1"
followed by "Pr2"
d) Release the button, and the printer will print all stored measurements with a
corresponding chart.
Stop printing
If you would like to stop printing, click the PRINTER button during the printing
Further details regarding the printer can be found in the printer instruction
If an error occurs during a measurement, the measurement is discontinued
and a corresponding error code is displayed (Example: Error No. 2).
Error No.
Possible cause(s)
No pulse has been detected.
Unnatural pressure impulses influence the measurement result.
Reason: The arm was moved during the measurement (artefact).
The inflation of the cuff takes too long. The cuff is not correctly
The measured readings indicated an unacceptable difference
between systolic and diastolic pressures. Take another reading
following direction carefully. Contact your doctor if you continue
to get unusual readings.
Other possible malfunctions and their elimination
If problems occur when using the device, the following points should be checked and
if necessary, the corresponding measures are to be taken:
The display remains blank when
1. Check batteries for correct polarity and if
the instrument is switched on
batteries are in place.
although the necessary batteries
2. If the display is unusual, re-insert
are inserted correctly.
batteries or exchange them.
The device frequently fails to measure
1. Check the positioning of the cuff.
the blood pressure values, or the values 2. Measure the blood pressure again in a
measured are too low (too high).
quiet atmosphere under observance of the
detail made on page 15.
Every measurement produces
1. Please read the following information
different values although the
listed in
"Common sources of error"
instrument functions normallly
page 16. Repeat the measurement.
and the values displayed are normal.
Please note: Blood pressure
fluctuates continually so successive
measurements will show some
Blood pressure values measured differ
1. Record the daily development of your
from those measured by your doctor.
blood pressure measured & consult your
Please note: Individuals visiting
their doctor frequently experience
anxiety which can result in a higher
reading at the doctor’s office than
obtained at home under resting