32 Selecting the Active Odometer Transducer Input
32 The Odometer Factor
Selecting the Active Odometer Factor
Determining Your Base Factor
Using the Built-in Odometer Pulse Divider
Determining a New Factor at a Rally
Using Four Factors with One Odometer Transducer
Automatic Warning of an Odometer Transducer Failure
Automatic Factor Calculation
Sample Factor Calculation
Details on the Odometer Factor
Fine Tuning the Odometer Factor
40 The Calculated Time
Adjusting the Calculated Time
Pauses and Gains
Truncating the Calculated Time
Truncating the Calculated Time Minutes
41 The Average Rally Speed (The CAST)
The Active CAST
The Next CAST
Changing to a New Active CAST
Adjust the Active CAST (Executing a Retro-CAST™)
Details, Details…
When You Change CAST
Using Slow Speeds
Intelligent CASTs
Semi-Intelligent CASTs (option 18)
Recalling the Course Parameters from the Last CAST
Changing the Distance Measurement and Calculated Time at the
Last CAST (Post-Alignment™)
Automatic ORM correction during a Last CAST Adjustment (Option 10)
49 Automatic Calculated Time Adjustments
Odo & Time Adjustments
The Odo & Time Calculation Speed
Changing the Calculation Speed
Details…one more time
51 Transit Zones
52 Preset data
Entering Preset Data
Loading Preset Data
53 The Datalog
Reviewing the Datalog
Datalog Presentation Modes
Printing the Datalog