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4.  Operation

•  Plug the TGBT6 into a 13A socket and plug the load into the TGBT6.
•  Press the button marked Boost repeatedly to select your desired  

ON time.

•  The LED’s adjacent to the time markers (above the Boost button)  

will light up in the sequence;

  First push gives ¼ hour boost (LED opposite ¼ hour is ON)
  Second push gives ½ hour boost (LED opposite ½ hour is ON)
  Third push gives 1 hour boost (LED opposite 1 hour is ON)
  Fourth push gives 2 hour boost (LED opposite 2 hour is ON)
  Fifth push returns to zero boost (all LEDs are OFF).

•  Once the boost selected is underway, the LEDs will go out 

sequentially, indicating the approximate boost time remaining.  
The LED which is about to go out will flash when there is less  
than 2 minutes remaining of that period.

  Example: 2 hour boost has been set, all LEDs are on;
  After 58 minutes the 2 hour LED will flash for two minutes,  

and then go out indicating 1 hour remaining.

  After a further 28 minutes, the 1 hour LED will flash for two minutes, 

and then go out indicating ½ hour remaining.

  After a further 13 minutes, the ½ hour LED will flash for two minutes, 

and then go out indicating 15 minutes remaining.

  After a further 13 minutes the ¼ hour LED will flash for two minutes, 

and then go out, indicating that the boost period has finished.

•  In this way the user has an approximate guide to the remaining 

duration of the boost.
