5 Locator Data Query
Starting in version 0.3.3, the Locator service employed by TimeMachines clock products is also
included in the TM2000B. This makes it easier to manage and monitor a time system on a local
network using the TM-Manger software. See the TM-Manager documentation for more information on
this feature.
Locator Data Format
The Locator Data Service is a simple UDP/IP protocol that can be used by other network applications
to extract status and location information from the TM1000A.
Requesting information from the TM2000B is done by sending a 3 byte message to the TM2000B,
using UDP/IP, to port 7372. The three bytes, in hexadecimal, are: 0xA1 0x04 0xB2 The TM2000B
will also respond to a broadcast to the same port.
The response packet is 80 bytes and will be formatted as follows:
TM2000B response value = 0x05
1 to 4
client IP address
5 to 10
MAC address
11 and 12
firmware version Major:Minor
Lock status 0=No Lock, 1=2D Lock, or 2=3D Lock
14 to 17
NTP Sync count, 32 bits, MSB to LSB
18 to 20
Current Time, H:M:S, UTC
21 to 45
Location of unit 25 bytes, Latitude, Longitude, null terminated
46 to 80
Name of Time Server, null terminated
TM-Manager uses this protocol to find a monitor TM2000B's on the network. A Wireshark capture of
that software can be used to see an example of the data transfer. TM-Manager support of the TM2000B
started in version 1.04.
Installation and Operations Manual | Page 19
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