A help from the third person is required to overcome difficult ground barriers (ramps, steps,
stair, etc.)
Note! First independent attempts should be undertaken under the security of the third person!
Moving forwards. First steps
Step 1.
Place hands on handrims.
Step 2.
Lean forwards slightly.
Step 3.
Move your arms forward, straightening your elbows using the same force in both hands.
Step 4.
Release the handrims.
Step 5.
The wheelchair was put in motion. Grab the handrims again.
Step 6.
Make next cycles of movements looking ahead.
To brake, stop the handrims with your hands gradually or make a slight backward move.
Moving backwards
Put hands on handrims in the front part of the wheels so that they are straight in elbows.
Make a move backwards by pulling right and left handrim using the same force in both
Watch the course of the wheelchair by turning the head back and forth alternately by the
right and left arm.
Turning in place
Put one hand on the handrim behind your hip and the other one in front of your hip.
Push one wheel forwards and the other wheel backwards simultaneously.
The greater the span between hands, the greater the turn.
Turning while riding
Make more vigorous move forwards on the handrims with one hand.
With a stronger turn, you can stop the wheel with one hand and with the other make more
vigorous move on the handrim forwards.
Follow this rule also when moving backwards.