-Tilgin HG320 Series Quick Guide
4.1. Connecting to the Internet (WAN)
Connect the Ethernet cable into the WAN port ( #4 on the
Home Gateway
page) and into your Ethernet access port. (
Home Gateway cable
4.2. Power on the Home Gateway
1. Connect the power cord to the AC/DC adapter
2. Connect the AC/DC adapter power cord to the power connector (#6) on
the backside of the unit.
3. Plug the power cord into a power outlet.
4. Push the ON/OFF-Button (#7) on the backside to ON
5. Check that the power LED on the front panel is lit (red).
4.3. Automatic Provisioning
When the home gateway is properly connected, an automatic configuration will
The home gateway is pre-loaded with software but it will always download
newer software and settings from your operator.
Just wait until the power LED is stable green, which normally takes a few
minutes, but may take up to 30 minutes. If the LED still does not show stable
green after 30 minutes, then reboot (push power ON/OFF-button). If problem
persists, contact your operator.
For more information about the LED status, see
LEDs Front panel
4.4. Connecting a computer to your Home Gateway
Connect the Ethernet port on your computer with an Ethernet cable to the LAN
port #3.
4.5. Configuring your computer/device
Your computer must be configured properly to be able to connect to the Internet
and the computers network card and network properties must be configured to
obtain an IP address from the home gateway’s built-in DHCP server.
This means that you must check that your computer network settings are set to
TCP/IP protocol and that the IP address will be obtained automatically.
For detailed instructions how to set up your home network check
instructions/Help for your operating system on your computer.