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Page 5: ...PaSST H E OR BUllONto turn offthe gamewhen you areRnishedplaying But don t worn if you forget becauset h egameautomaticallyshuts it off a k about 3 minvtesof noaction THANKmuFOR YOUR HEMY DEFENDINGTHE...
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Page 7: ...e timer built in sound sound owoff control maximum wore retained built in automatic power offRrner S T m Thegome getsh d e r asyou odvoncefmmstagetostage I ROU NR0LL Y E S GENERALHAWK YES ARMOR BOT Ye...
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Page 9: ...ston occasion4 manhmdlowon the end of hls laser riRs The name CmgS MEConner doesnotidenifyany known llvlngperson G E N E R A LHAWK C O D E NAME General Hawk GI JoeArmor techcommander FRE NAME Abernaih...
Page 10: ...r Armor M B S I t s mas of circuitryand basecamp and preparesfaralto After a barmgeof lasersandrockt fie battalionof 0 AA n oncetrembled wW fear TransAtmospheric RapidUobalAsrrrul Tmppr meteorshower u...
Page 11: ...da s s a d capabllhsarly destnrctlonond eRmimttonof GIhforces weretheonty ordersprglmMled IntotheclrcuMyof lheswulkng spoce tanks The BAAT s areso bmkrlea andtngger happy hot theycon become confuseddu...
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Page 13: ...baU point pen Ueanonlywith o pieceof sohdly cloth Repkxebotteiiesat thefirsf signof erraticoperation m mORDIMAar Ifa partof your game Lg damcgedOI wmehlnghas R lURN HE GAME TO THE STORE Instead write...
Page 14: ...KWAY VERNON HILLS IWNOK60061 USA I Tiger Ehronic Toyswill not beliablefor lossof useof theproductor ofher incidentalMconsequenfilcosts expenses or damagesincurredbythe purchaser Any impliedwarranties...