Your Mult i button telephone is part of a soph isticated electronic telephone
system that will save you time and help you communicate more efficiently.
F eatures S uited To Your Needs
Your phone has been programmed with the features most suited to your
communications needs. Your communications manager has checked off
those features in the F EATU RE C H ECKL IST at the end of this guide. You
can remove it, and then check off your features in the guide itself.
Programmable Options
In some instances , a BAS IC/FEATU R E may be programmed with special
options. If so, a comment in italics, which descri bes the programma ble
option, appears with the operating instructions for that BASIC/ F EATU R E.
( For example, an italicized comment appears under Outside Calls on
page 3.) Also, a corresponding "su b- box" will appear under that
BAS IC/ F EATU R E in the F EATU R E C H ECKL IST Once again, consulting
the checklist will tell you whether or not the comment appl ies to your
S peakerphone
Call Monitor
Your phone has either the Speakerphone or Call Monitor feature. These
features allow you to use your phone without lifting the handset
(receiver). Details are provided in the Features section of this guide.
S ystem Programming Extension F eatures
These features are availa ble only to one extension user- the user of the
system programming extension. Your communications manager can
provide you with more information on this special extension.
01750-MUB-i02-1986-04-0l.jpg Scanned by Frank Harrell, (Cowboy Frank) Castle Rock, Colorado Oct 18,2012 13:30:33