Before use, long press the MFB button for 8 seconds to
clear the connected devices list. the MFB can be found on
the outside of the left speaker.
1) press just one earphone for about 3 seconds, till you
see the red light flashes.
2) press the other earphone for about 5 seconds, till you
see the red and blue light flashes alternatively, now it
enters into pairing status. Then these 2 earphones will
connect automatically with each other.
3) open the mobile phone’s bluetooth menu, activate
Bluetooth and search the device name “tiE wireless”
and connect it successfully. the pairing has been done
successfully when the lED of both earphones flashes
blue light.
4) After pair successfully plug the Earphone with “r” in
the right ear and the Earphone with the “L” into to left
ear. next time you only need to turn on the 2 earpho-
nes (no need to enter pairing status) and the Earpho-
nes will connect to the mobile phone automatically.
if you have any problems please do not hesitate to
contact our customer service: