TIE DOWN 70818 Installation And User Download Page 4

Safety Products Division

605 Stonehill Drive SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30336

800-241-1806   •  404-344-0000  •   www.tiedown.com

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Intellectual property of TIE DOWN Inc. ©2018 TIE DOWN, Inc.

Instruction #08372 (E1821 Rev. 3/2/21)

Slab Gripper


Inspect before each use. A competent person must complete a formal inspection every 6 months and document below with 
initials. The life of this roofing device is unlimited as long as a competent person inspects and passes equipment as in good 
order every 6 months.

If this equipment fails inspection or is found to have deficiencies, remove from service. Deficiencies include, but are 

not limited to deformation, corrosion, burrs, sharp edges, cracking, rust, pits, excessive heating, paint buildup,

alteration, damaged parts and missing or unreadable labels.





Maintenance, Cleaning, and Storage

If the Slab Gripper fails inspection in any way, immediately remove it from service, and contact Tie Down to 
inquire about its return or repair. Cleaning after use is important for maintaining the safety and longevity of 
this product. Remove all dirt, corrosives, and contaminants from the product before and after each use. NEVER 
clean the Gripper with corrosive substances. When not in use, store equipment where it will not be affected by 
heat, light, excessive moisture, chemicals, or other degrading elements.


Prior to EACH use, inspect all Slab Grippers for deficiencies, including, but not limited to, corrosion, deformation, 
pits, burrs, rough surfaces, sharp edges, cracking, rust, paint buildup, excessive heating, alteration, and
missing or illegible labels. IMMEDIATELY remove any Gripper from service if defects or damage are found, or if 
exposed to forces of fall arrest.

Ensure that the selected work area is free of all damage, including, but not limited to, debris, rot, rust, decay, 
cracking, and hazardous materials. Ensure that the selected work area will support the application-specific
minimum loads outlined in this instruction manual. The work area MUST be stable. At least every 6 months, a
Competent Person other than the user must inspect each Gripper. The Competent Person must sign their
initials in the box corresponding to the month and year the inspection took place.
