Synergy Controller Application Note 4
August 2010, Revision - C
Tidal Engineering Corporation © 2010
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Synergy Controller Bar Code Reader
The value of the ubiquitous “Bar Code Scanner” for speeding data entry and improving
accuracy is obvious to anyone that shops at a grocery store. The Synergy Controller
offers the advantages of bar code scanning to environmental test users.
This application note describes the capabilities of the Synergy Controller’s bar code
scanner feature and some typical applications.
This application note employs the Synergy Controller’s powerful macro capability to
automatically select and start an environmental test profile simply by scanning the
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) plain text label on the part.
In addition, the use of the bar code feature to log data such as product part numbers,
serial numbers, employee id’s and other data is demonstrated.
The Hand Held Products IT4800 OCR Barcode Scanner is used in this note with OCR-A
text; however, virtually any bar code reader can be used for this application.
Synergy Controller with
Hand Held Products Bar Code Scanner
Labeled Part